Medal LittleBigPlanet.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 2.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PSP.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet Karting.png


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Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet PSP, LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Emitters
Inputs: 1
2 (LBP3)
Obtained from: Start
Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.
Nothing rude though, no images of horses in bikinis, for example.
This page or section could benefit from more images. You can help by uploading an image or two, and including them on the page.
Further details: Get screenshots of the early variants.
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do:
  • Cover LBPV and LBPK functionality.
    • (If there's any differences)
  • Add "Emit by Zone" and "Reference in Play Mode" tweak icons.


The Emitter is a tool that will emit objects in a level. Visually, it appears to be designed after the rubber porthole patches intended for headphones on backpacks and other containers.

Usage and Behavior


Choose Object

Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.png
Choose Object: (Collected Objects, Gameplay, My Objects
Pick Emitted ObjectPick Emitted Object •‎
Emit by ZoneEmit by Zone •‎

The object set to be emitted from the emitter. Items can have an internal flag enabled to appear in this selection menu.
Tweak Gun PickObject.pngPick Emitted Object
Emits a specific selected object.
Tweak Speech Voice Temp.pngEmit by Zone
Emits all objects in a particular area.
Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Reference in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the emitted object will reflect changes made by players in Play Mode.


Tweak Emitter Movement LinearVelocity.png
Linear Velocity: (0 - 500 (LBP1); 0 - 100 (LBP2+))
Determines how fast the object is shot out when emitted. If set to 0, it simply falls.
Tweak Emitter Movement AngularVelocity.png
Angular Velocity: (-1500 - 0 - 1500)
Determines how fast the object rotates when emitted.
Tweak Emitter Movement IgnoreParent.png
Ignore Parent Velocity: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the emitted object will ignore the velocity of the object the Emitter is attached to.


Tweak Emitter Timing Frequency.png
Frequency: (0s -)
How long the interval lasts between emitted objects.
Tweak Emitter Timing Lifetime.png
Lifetime: (∞s - 0s -)
How long emitted objects last before they are deleted.
Tweak Timing Sync.png
Sync: (0s -)
Determines the time offset of the Emitter to other Emitters in the level.


Tweak Emitter Quantity Maximum.png
Max Emitted: (∞ - 100)
The maximum count of objects that can be emitted from this emitter; when the limit is reached, it will no longer emit any objects.
Tweak Emitter Quantity MaxAtOnce.png
Max Emitted At Once: (0 - 100)
Determines the maximum amount of objects that can be emitted before they start being deleted from the object count. This directly affects the thermometer.
Tweak Emitter Quantity DestroyOld.png
Destroy Oldest when Max Emitted Reached: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the oldest object created by the Emitter will be destroyed when the max amount of emitted objects is reached.


Tweak Effect Create.png
Create Effect: (
AppearAppear •‎
ExpandExpand •‎

Determines the visual effect used when the Emitter emits an object.
Tweak Effect Destroy.png
Create Effect: (
DisappearDisappear •‎
DissolveDissolve •‎
ShrinkShrink •‎
ExplodeExplode •‎
FadeFade •‎
SplatSplat •‎
Fall ApartFall Apart •‎
VaporiseVaporise •‎

Determines the visual effect used when the lifetime of an emitted object ends.


Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


Tweak Music Stem.png
Enable Sounds: (
NoNo •‎

Supposedly sets whether or not to play sounds. Doesn't appear to do anything in practice.



The very early version of the emitter originally used a hitbox, like many other gadgets at the time. Unlike other gadgets, instead of being in the thin layer, the Emitter's hitbox placed it in the thick layer, being placed on the ground. Objects would appear on top of the Emitter, which had a concave face for objects to rest on.


The Emitter's design was briefly changed in development; instead of the glowy interior, the hole would go all the way through the model, showing any items behind it. This was likely changed so that it would be easier to pick up the gadget from the center. The original design can still be seen in the popit icon.


The way the Emitter is activated changes between games.


In the original LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet PSP, the Emitter's Behavior is based on the Behavior setting of the incoming switch.

Tweak BehaviorSetting Carousel.png
Behavior: (see below)
Determines how the Emitter responds to the signal it receives through its activation input.
  • Tweak BehaviorSetting OnOff.png On / Off: The Emitter starts emitting when it receives a digital ON signal, and stops when it's turned OFF.
  • Tweak BehaviorSetting OneShot.png One-Shot: Each time the Emitter receives a digital ON signal, it will emit a single object.
  • Tweak BehaviorSetting SpeedScale.png Speed: The Emitter's frequency between emitted objects is determined by the strength of the incoming analogue signal.


In LittleBigPlanet 2 onward, the Emitter's Behavior is based on the Input Action setting in its tweak menu.

Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Input Action: (see below)
Determines how the Emitter responds to the signal it receives through its activation input.
  • Tweak InputAction OnOff.png On / Off: The Emitter starts emitting when it receives a digital ON signal, and stops when it's turned OFF.
  • Tweak InputAction OneShot.png Single Cycle: Each time the Emitter receives a digital ON signal, it will emit a single object.
  • Tweak InputAction SpeedScale.png Speed Scale: The Emitter's frequency between emitted objects is determined by the strength of the incoming analogue signal.


Model Renders

Emitter (Final)

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Emitter (Early)

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Template:LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation Portable) Gadgets