Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png


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DEV ONLY! Filter
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Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Logic
Inputs: 1
Outputs: 1
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do: Which levels, if any, can this gadget be found in?

The Filter is an unused developer gadget found in the data of LittleBigPlanet 3. It reduces the incoming signal strength to a percentage specified in its tweak menu.

Usage and Behaviour

The Filter has one input and one output. On its own it functions as a signal pass-through, but by tweaking its Filter Value, it is possible to reduce the value of the signal going through it. At 100% the signal passes through unaffected; at 50% the filter's output is half as strong as the source input, and at 0% the filter outputs nothing. Through its tweak menu the filter type can also be set from "scaling" to "toggling". With a toggling filter, it either outputs the full signal or nothing at all, depending on its state. It is worth noting that there is no way to update the filter's current state or behaviour via logic; only through its tweak menu.

On a Microchip

A Microchip with both types of Filter tweaks embedded in its Tweak Menu.

When placed inside of a Microchip, one of the Filter's tweaks will be injected into the host chip's tweak menu; depending on the selected filter mode, this will either be the Filter Value or Current State. If specified, a label will also appear above the newly-added tweak. This allows creators to set up functions in their logic that can be quickly modified from the chip's tweak menu.


Tweak Text Label.png
Select or Tweak a Tag Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Tag label, or select an existing one.
Tweak Sensor Count.png
Filter Value: (0% - 100%)
Specifies how much of the analogue signal is allowed to pass through the filter, with 100% being all of it, and 0% being none of it. Filter must be set to "scaling filter" to work. Note that this value cannot exceed the Minimum and Maximum values (see below).
Tweak Count Current.png
Minimum: (0% - 100%)
Specifies the lower boundary for the Filter Value tweak.
Tweak Count Target.png
Maximum: (0% - 100%)
Specifies the upper boundary for the Filter Value tweak.
Tweak Sensor Count.png
Current State: (
NoNo •‎

Sets whether or not to let the signal pass through the filter's output. Filter must be set to "toggling filter" to work.
Tweak Projectile Carousel.png
Filter Mode: (
Use a scaling filterUse a scaling filter •‎
Use a toggling filterUse a toggling filter

Determines which mode the filter will use, and subsequently, which tweak to display in the host Microchip's tweak menu.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OneShot.pngUse a scaling filter
The output will be scaled based on the Filter Value.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OnOff.pngUse a toggling filter
The output will either be on or off, depending on the Current State.
Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Electronics and Cable Visibility: (
NoNo •‎
Switch VisibleSwitch Visible •‎
Switch and Cables VisibleSwitch and Cables Visible

Determines whether or not the gadget (and any outgoing wires) will be rendered in Play Mode.



Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg