Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png

Hud Element

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DEV ONLY! Hud Element
Popit Icon
Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Containers
In-Game Category: Logic
Inputs: 2
This article is about the Hud Element gadget that was cut from LittleBigPlanet 3. For the customisable HUD in LittleBigPlanet Karting, see HUD Widgets and HUD Tweaker.
We need a better icon for this.
This article is a tad short. A stub, if you will. You can help the Imagisphere Knowledge Base by expanding it with more information!
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do:
  • Figure out what the Transmit Mode tweak does other than occasionally crashing the game.

The Hud Element was a Logic Container gadget planned for LittleBigPlanet 3 that drew stickers to the screen, either in the level as unlit billboards, or pinning them to the HUD.

The gadget was found in the initial release of the game, but was effectively removed from Game Update 1.08 onward; trying to load it on the latest version replaces it with the Microchip.


Although the Hud Element is not obtainable through normal means, it is present in two of the Adventure Mode cutscenes: The Legend of Bunkum and Newton's Bulb Explored. In both cases, it is used to add a subtle vignette effect to certain scenes (the Titan backstory flashback and Titan POV shot respectively).

In the initial release of the game, it has no Plan file associated with it, so highlighting it will kick the player back to their Pod. Game Update 1.09 added a Plan file for it, so it can be used without worry of this happening.


Tweak Controlinator Remote None.png
Transmit Mode: (
NoNo •‎
TransmitterTransmitter •‎

Purpose unknown. Best left at "None", as Transmit and Receive can cause crashes.
Tweak Sensor Key.png
Tag Colour: (
Blue •‎
Purple •‎
Pink •‎
Red •‎
Yellow •‎
Lime •‎
Green •‎

Sets the colour channel for the gadget. Sensors will only detect Tags matching this colour.
Tweak Text Label.png
Select or Tweak a Tag Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Tag label, or select an existing one.
Tweak Sensor Radius.png
Trigger Radius: (0.0 - 5000.0)
Sets the size of the detection radius.


Tweak Text Title.png
Draw Mode: (
ScreenScreen •‎
Object 2DObject 2D •‎
Object 3DObject 3D

Determines how the contents of the Hud Element are drawn into the scene.
Tweak Camera Transition Fade.pngScreen
Projects the Hud Element's contents onto the screen.
Tweak Camera Transition Cut.pngObject 2D
Displays the Hud Element's as a 2D billboard that always faces the camera.
Tweak Camera Focus Flatness.pngObject 3D
Draws the Hud Element's contents in front of the gadget as a plane. The orientation changes with the gadget; if the chip is attached to an object at an angle, the stickers will also be at an angle.
Tweak Layer ToMiddle.png
Draw Layer: (1 - 10)
Sets a layer ID for this Hud Element, if there are multiple close together. Smaller numbers are given higher priority.
Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Input Action: (
BrightnessBrightness •‎
OpacityOpacity •‎

Determines how the Hud Element uses the signal it gets from its HUD Input. All of these are mislabelled in-game.
Tweak Visual Brightness.pngBrightness
The Hud Element's contents appear when it receives a digital ON signal, disappearing when it turns OFF.
Tweak Effect Fade.pngOpacity
Sets the brightness of the stickers based on the incoming analogue signal.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OnOff.pngOn/Off
Sets the opacity of the stickers based on the incoming analogue signal.
Tweak Effect Create.png
On Animation: (
AppearAppear •‎
ExpandExpand •‎
PinwheelPinwheel •‎
Fade InFade In •‎

Choose how the stickers appear when the Hud Element turns on.
Tweak Effect Disappear.pngAppear
The sticker blinks into existence.
Tweak Effect Shrink.pngExpand
The sticker starts really small, grows for about a second, overshoots and then settles on its proper size.
Tweak HudElement Effect Pinwheel.pngPinwheel
Same as Expand, except with a counter-clockwise spin.
Tweak Effect Fade.pngFade In
Opacity starts at 0%, then gradually fades into its set value.
Tweak Visual Brightness.pngBrightness
Same as Appear.
Tweak Effect Destroy.png
Off Animation: (
DisappearDisappear •‎
ShrinkShrink •‎
PinwheelPinwheel •‎
Fade OutFade Out •‎

Choose how the stickers appear when the Hud Element turns off.
Tweak Effect Disappear.pngDisappear
The sticker blinks out of existence.
Tweak Effect Shrink.pngShrink
The sticker grows a little bit, then shrinks until it disappears.
Tweak HudElement Effect Pinwheel.pngPinwheel
Same as Expand, except with a counter-clockwise spin.
Tweak Effect Fade.pngFade Out
The sticker gradually fades out its opacity.
Tweak Visual Brightness.pngBrightness
Disappears after about a second.
Tweak HudElement Highlight Carousel.png
Highlight Animation: (
PulsePulse •‎
WobbleWobble •‎

Choose the animaiton to play when the Highlight input is switched on.
Tweak HudElement Highlight Pulse.pngPulse
The sticker grows a little, then returns to its default size.
Tweak HudElement Highlight Wobble.pngWobble
The sticker turns from side to side.
Tweak HudElement Highlight Spin.pngSpin
The sticker rotates a full 360° counter-clockwise. except with a counter-clockwise spin.
Tweak Visual Brightness.png
Brightness: (0% - 100%)
Sets how bright the sticker is.
Tweak Global Lighting Fog.png
Alpha: (0% - 100%)
Sets how transparent the sticker is.
Tweak Base Tweaker Colour Icon.png
Colour: (colour wheel)
Tints the sticker a certain colour.
Tweak Layer ToMiddle.png
Do Depth Test: (
NoNo •‎

When left off, the sticker will be rendered on top of other objects, regardless of its actual layer position. If turned on, objects and players can appear in front of it.


LittleBigPlanet 3 Pre-Release
Internal Trailer
unknown (maybe 2013?)
Hud Element appears to be used for the Triangle button prompt above the portholes that connect different rooms.
September 7, 2013
Gadget Container HUD Element Icon.png First publicly available build to contain the Hud Element.
LittleBigPlanet 3
Game Update 1.08
June 3, 2015
gamedata/scripts/tweakhudelement.ff is replaced with an early version of the Microchip script, effectively removing the Hud Element from the game.
Game Update 1.09
July 10, 2015
Added gamedata/lbp3/common/palettes/gad_hud_element.plan to the retail version.