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Wall Jump Material Tweaker

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Wall Jump Material Tweaker
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Object Tweakers
Inputs: 1
Obtained from: DLC
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The Wall Jump Material Tweaker is an Object Tweaker gadget introduced in the DC Comics Premium Level Kit that allows characters to wall jump off of whatever object it is attached to, or adjust how Sackboy and OddSock interact with Wall Jump Surfaces.

Usage and behaviour

Similar to the Attract-O-Tweaker before it, the Wall Jump Material Tweaker applies the properties of the Wall Jump Surface to whatever object it is attached to, allowing players to wall jump off of any object in the game, provided it hasn't been lethalised or dephysicalised. In LittleBigPlanet 3, OddSock is capable of wall jumping off any surface regardless of this tweaker's presence, though it can still affect his interactions with walls.

The Wall Jump Material Tweaker can also be used to apply the Wall Jump Surface's special effects to any non-decal object for visual flair. The Colour Wheel in this gadget's tweak menu affects the base colour of the object it's attached to rather than just the effect. As a result, it can be used to change the colour of some (but not all) objects that normally can't be tweaked, like Creature Wheels and Race Gates.



Tweak Material WallJump SlideSpeed.png
Slide Speed: (-200% - 200%)
Sets how fast the player slides along the wall. Positive values send the player down, while negative values send them up. At 0%, the player can freely scale the surface using Left stick, though OddSock will still slide down very slightly.
Tweak Material WallJump JumpStrength.png
Jump Strength: (0% - 200%)
Sets how far and high the player will travel be when jumping off the wall.
Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Input Action: (
On/OffOn/Off •‎
Speed ScaleSpeed Scale

Determines how the gadget responds to the signal going into its input.
Tweak InputAction OnOff.pngOn/Off
The tweaker turns on when it receives a digital ON signal, and off when it receives a digital OFF signal.
Tweak InputAction SpeedScale.pngSpeed Scale
The Slide Speed is dynamically scaled based on the incoming analogue signal's strength.


Tweak Sensor RigidConnections.png
Include Rigid Connections: (
NoNo •‎

Sets whether or not to pass the tweaker's properties onto other objects that are glued to it. This tweak is unlabelled in LittleBigPlanet 2.


Tweak Effect Destroy.png
Visual Effects Enabled: (
NoNo •‎

Sets whether or not to display the Wall Jump Surface's effects while the gadget is powered on.
Tweak Base Tweaker Colour Icon.png
Changes the object's base colour, and by extension the colour of the holographic effect.
Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


Tweak Base Global Audio Icon.png
Audio Enabled: (
NoNo •‎

Turns the static energy noises associated with the Wall Jump Surface on or off. Note that this does not apply when playing as OddSock, as they use different sound effects to Sackboy.