Medal LittleBigPlanet.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 2.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PSP.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet Karting.png

Tag Sensor

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Tag Sensor
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet PSP, LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Sensors
Outputs: 1
Obtained from: Start
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A Tag Sensor, known as a Magnetic Key Switch in the original LittleBigPlanet, is a gadget that can be used in combination with the Tag to identify non-player objects in a level.

Magnetic Key Switch (LittleBigPlanet)
Blue Purple Pink Red
Orange Yellow Green Cyan

Early Key Colors

Magnetic Key Switch (LittleBigPlanet)
Blue Purple Pink Red
Orange Yellow Green Cyan

Usage and behaviour

Tag Sensors can be placed onto any surface or circuit board. They can be assigned one of eight colours to detect, starting with LittleBigPlanet 2, a label. Sensors will only detect tags if their colours and labels match.

In LittleBigPlanet 2, Tags gained an input, which is used to turn it on or off with logic. Tags will transmit whatever signal they receive, be it digital or analogue. Most gadgets only use the digital signal to detect its presence, however, Tag Sensors can be tweaked to output the signal strength of any Tags in their detection range.



Tweak Sensor MinimumRadius.png
Minimum Detection Range (LBP2+): (0.0 - 5,000.0)
Determines how close players can get before the sensor stops detecting them.
Tweak Sensor MaximumRadius.png
Maximum Detection Range: (0.0 - 5,000.0)
Determines how close the player needs to be in order to activate the sensor. In LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet 3, setting this below 0.0 will set the radius to infinite.
Tweak Sensor AngleRange.png
Trigger Angle Range: (0 - 360)
Sets the angle radius of the sensor, with 360 being a full circle. Rotating the gadget changes the orientation of the detection range.
Tweak Sensor SameLayer.png
Same Layer (Hidden in LBP1): (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the sensor will only detect player if they are within the same layer range as the object the gadget is attached to.
Tweak Sensor LayerRange.png
Layer Detection Range (LBP3 only): (0 - 16)
Sets how many layers away from the object the sensor can detect players, with 0 being equivalent to Same Layer and 16 detecting the player from any layer.
Tweak Visual ShowCircuitboard.png
Same Circuitboard (LBP2+): (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the sensor will detect Tags that are present on the same circuitboard.


Tweak Sensor Count.png
Count (LBP2+): (0 - 100)
How many tags are required to activate the sensor.


Tweak Sensor Key.png
Tag Colour: (
Blue •‎
Purple •‎
Pink •‎
Red •‎
Yellow •‎
Lime •‎
Green •‎

Sets the colour channel for the gadget. Sensors will only detect Tags matching this colour.
Tweak Text Label.png
Select or Tweak a Tag Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Tag label, or select an existing one.


Tweak Output Inverted.png
Invert Output: (
NoNo •‎

Inverts the gadget's output, turning On signals Off and vice-versa.
Tweak Output Value.png
Output Type (LBP2+): (
ClosenessCloseness •‎
Signal StrengthSignal Strength •‎
Count (LBP3 Only)Count (LBP3 Only) •‎

Determines the analog output type of the sensor. Closeness outputs based on how far away the tag is from the switch within its radius, Tag Strength outputs based on the analog input of the tag within its radius, and Count outputs based on the number of tags within the radius compared to the required count.

Ownership (Hidden in LBP2)

Tweak Gameplay TeamFilter Carousel.png
Team Filter: (
EveryoneEveryone •‎
FriendsFriends •‎
EnemiesEnemies •‎
Red TeamRed Team •‎
Blue TeamBlue Team

Adjusts the Team Ownership of the switch. Only players on the selected team will be able to activate it.
Tweak GenericSetting Cooperative.pngEveryone
The switch ignores ownership and can be activated by tags from everyone.
UI Popit Item Heart.pngFriends
The switch can only be activated by tags from players that own the object the switch is attached to.
In Versus Mode this means only the owning player, and in Team Versus Mode this means only the owning Team.
Tweak Gameplay TeamFilter Enemies.pngEnemies
The switch can only be activated by tags from players that don't own the object the switch is attached to.
In Versus Mode this means all players except for the owning player, and in Team Versus Mode this means only the opposing Team.
Tweak GenericSetting Cooperative.pngRed Team
Only tags owned by players assigned to the Red Team will be able to activate the switch. This only applies in Team Versus Mode.
Tweak GenericSetting Cooperative.pngBlue Team
Only tags owned by players assigned to the Blue Team will be able to activate the switch. This only applies in Team Versus Mode.


Tweak Visual ShowRadii.png
Show Radii in Play Mode (LBP3 only): (
NoNo •‎

When enabled, the sensor's radius will be rendered in Play Mode, even if the gadget itself isn't visible.
Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Electronics and Cable Visibility: (
NoNo •‎
Switch VisibleSwitch Visible •‎
Switch and Cables VisibleSwitch and Cables Visible

Determines whether or not the gadget (and any outgoing wires) will be rendered in Play Mode.