Medal LittleBigPlanet 2.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.png

Global Anti-Gravity Tweaker

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Global Anti-Gravity Tweaker
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Global Tweakers
Outputs: 1
Obtained from: Tutorials (LBP2/Vita)
Start (LBP3)
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The Global Anti-Gravity Tweaker is a Global Tweaker gadget that controls various properties related to the level's gravity.

Usage and Overview



Tweak Base Tweaker AntiGravity Icon.png
Gravity: (0% - 400%)
Sets how strong the gravity is in the level.


Tweak Sensor Radius.png
Trigger Radius: (0.0 - 5000.0)
Determines how close the player needs to be to apply the Global Tweaker's settings. Only applicable if there is nothing connected to its input.
Tweak Sensor LayerRange.png
Layer Detection Range (LBP3 only): (0 - 16)
Sets how many layers away from the object the Global Anti-Gravity Tweaker can detect players.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OneShot.png
Only Activate Once: (
NoNo •‎

If set to yes, the Global Tweaker can only ever be activated once, after which it will stop responding.

Transition Time

Tweak Timing Pause.png
Transition Time: (0.0s - 86,400.0s)
Sets the length of time (in seconds) over which the Global Tweaker's settings will be applied.


Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


Global Anti-Gravity Tweaker

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg