HUD Widgets

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This article is about the customisable HUD in LittleBigPlanet Karting. For the scrapped custom HUD feature in LittleBigPlanet 3, see Hud Element.
The HUD canvas on a newly created track, with all the widgets in their default positions.

HUD Widgets are 2D screen overlays in LittleBigPlanet Karting that make up each level's Heads-Up Display. They come in many different forms, and can be tweaked and re-arranged to suit the level's needs.


HUD Widgets occupy a 2D canvas separate from the rest of the level, which can be accessed by selecting the HUD Cursor on the last page of the Tools Bag.

When creating a new track or arena, a preset HUD is generated containing all of the General Widgets appropriate to the chosen game mode. These can be selected and manipulated in much the same way as objects in the standard track editor; Left stick to move the cursor quickly (or Directional buttons for slower, more precise movement) and Triangle button to delete. When adding a new widget to the screen it will start off in the centre or, if it's a General Widget, at its default position (top left for Player Score, bottom right for Weapon Well, etc).

General Widgets

General Widgets are a base set of HUD Widgets. All of their functionality is handled by the game itself, and thus they cannot be tweaked. The player is free to reposition or delete these widgets, however, only one of each can be present on the canvas at a time; selecting a General Widget in the Popit while it is already on the canvas will simply select it with the HUD Cursor.

While any General Widget can be added to the canvas, some of them will only appear in certain game modes. Below is a table with all of the General Widgets, and which game modes they appear in.

Icon Name Description Compatibility Notes
HUDWidget PlayerScore Icon.png Player Score A bubble to tell you how much score you've won. Tracks and Arenas The starburst in the centre grows as the player's score increases, and also changes colour depending on which team the player is on.
HUDWidget WeaponWell Icon.png Weapon Well A place for your active Weaponators to be displayed. Tracks and Arenas
HUDWidget RaceTimer Icon.png Race Timer Counts down during game play based on the level's time limit. Tracks and Arenas If the Time Limit in Gameplay Settings is a non-zero value (arenas default to 180 seconds or 3 minutes), it will count down from that when the game begins, flashing red as it gets closer to 0:00. Otherwise, it will count up from 0:00 to indicate how long the game has lasted.
HUDWidget LapCounter Icon.png Lap Counter Displays the current lap and total amount of laps in the race. Tracks Only
HUDWidget LapTimer Icon.png Lap Timer Tells you your time at the end of each lap. Tracks Only
HUDWidget Position Icon.png Position Keeps track of your current position. Tracks Only
HUDWidget Minimap Icon.png Minimap A handy map of the race track. Tracks Only Clicking L3 button toggles between the full minimap and a zoomed in view that rotates based on which direction the player's kart is facing.
HUDWidget Flasher Icon.png Hit Streak Flasher Tells you when you're on a roll. Arenas Only
HUDWidget HitInfoFlasher Icon.png Hit Info Flasher Tells you who hit you, who you hit or who you defended against. Tracks and Arenas
HUDWidget WeaponIncoming Icon.png Weapon Incoming Warns you of incoming weapons and tells you when to defend. Tracks and Arenas
HUDWidget Leaderboard Icon.png Leaderboard Keeps track of who's winning and displays it in stylish board fashion. Arenas Only
HUDWidget WarningsGroup Icon.png Warnings Group Warns you if you're about to be reset for illegal shortcuts and out of bounds driving. Tracks and Arenas
HUDWidget ScoreCountdown Icon.png Score Countdown The longer you take, the less score you get! Don't take so long! Tracks and Arenas Automatically disappears when the Countdown Score (specified in Gameplay Settings) reaches 0.


HUDWidget Radar Icon.png

Underneath the Hitstreak Flasher is a special Radar widget that cannot be deleted or repositioned. This draws on-screen indicators pointing to racers, goals, and other points of interest. Unlike other General Widgets, this can be tweaked to set what gets shown to players.

  • Show Player Arrows: Draws arrows at the edges of the screen to show where off-screen drivers are.
  • Show Player Arrows In View: Draws arrows above any on-screen drivers.
  • Show Player Names: The driver's name (be it a localised CPU name or a PSN username) will be drawn alongside their arrow, if enabled.
  • Show Position Indicators: The driver's position will be drawn alongside their arrow, if enabled.
    • Note that even if every driver is visible on-screen, only the three positions ahead of you will be drawn, e.g. 5th place will only see position indicators for players in 4th, 3rd and 2nd.
  • Show Goals: Draws icons pointing to any active Goal objects in the level.
  • Show Checkpoints: Draws icons pointing to any active Checkpoint objects in the level.
  • Show Tags: Any active Tags tweaked to be visible to the Radar will be shown with star-shaped icons. The colour of the Tag affects what colour its on-screen indicator will be.

Grapple Callout

The Grapple Callout is a hidden HUD Widget that appears when the player approaches a grapple-able object while equipped with the Grapple Hook. Unlike other HUD Widgets it is not present in either the Tools Bag or on the HUD canvas; instead, it exists purely in scene space at a fixed size to the left of the player's kart. While it cannot be removed outright, it is possible to hide it by using a HUD Tweaker.

Custom Widgets

Custom Widgets are a set of basic but versatile HUD Widgets which, when paired with the HUD Tweaker, allow for the creation of completely custom UI elements.

All of the Custom Widgets can be renamed by pressing Cross button on the header in their tweak menu. This name is used by the HUD Tweaker to identify widgets of a particular category.

Sticker Frame

The Sticker Frame draws an image onto the HUD. Once a sticker is chosen is always visible on screen, but can be turned on or off when paired with a HUD Tweaker.


The Dial is a circular element with a rotating needle in it. The needle rotates from the left stide of the dial to the right based on the strength of analogue signal it gets.


Not to be confused with the Hit Streak Flasher, the Flasher displays an eye-catching message to the player. The text colour and style (positive or negative) can be set on the HUD Canvas, but the actual text to display (and when it gets displayed) are managed with a HUD Tweaker. Text always aligns to the centre of the widget.


The Meter is a coloured bar that empties and fills based on the strength of the analogue signal it gets from a HUD Tweaker. It also includes a small Sticker Frame in the bottom corner.


The Counter is a simple number displayer. It is unique from other Custom Widgets in that it has multiple display modes, determined by which HUD Type that an associated HUD Tweaker is set to:

  • Counter: Uncapped number display that increments when receiving a Positive signal, decrementing with a Negative signal.
  • Range Counter: Displays a number within a range between 0 and a specific Target Count. Depending on the HUD Tweaker's input action, it either increments/decrements when it receives a digital ON signal, or shows a number between 0 and the Target Count based on the strength of the incoming analogue signal.
  • Percent Counter: Displays a percentage ranging from 0% to 100% based on the analogue signal it receives. Only positive values are accepted.

Text Box

The Text Box displays a simple message on screen. The text alignment can be set on the widget itself, but a HUD Tweaker must be used both to set the message that gets displayed, and to actually display it on-screen in the first place.


The Note displays a message in a Magic Mouth styled text box. The style of text box is set on the widget in the HUD Canvas, but a HUD Tweaker must be used to write a message and display it on-screen. Text always aligns to the left side of the note.


A Timer displays a number or time in a round countdown clock fashion. It empties, fills and displays a number based on the analogue signal it gets from a HUD Tweaker.


While none of the General Widgets can be tweaked, all of the Custom Widgets have tweaks that affect how they are drawn to the screen.

Generic Properties

Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Orientation: (
HorizontalHorizontal •‎

Sets whether the HUD Widget should be oriented vertically or horizontally. Present in all widgets except the Timer and Note.
Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Scale: (0.5 - 2.0)
Sets how big the HUD Widget is. Present in all widgets except the Note.
Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Shared: (
Shared for All PlayersShared for All Players •‎
Each Player Has Their OwnEach Player Has Their Own

Determines whether this HUD widget's status is updated for all players in the game, or just the one who activated its HUD Tweaker.

Sticker Frame

Tweak Item Select.png
Choose Image: (Stickers, Decorations, Collected Objects)
Choose a graphic to display in the Sticker Frame. This can be a sticker, or the Popit icon of either a decoration or object.
If a Sticker is already in the frame, press Triangle button to clear it.


Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Style: (
PositivePositive •‎

Sets whether to display a happy Sackboy icon with yellow sunburst highlights, or a sad Sackboy icon with red spikey highlights.

Text Box

Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Text Alignment: (
LeftLeft •‎
CentreCentre •‎

Determines which side of the widget the written text aligns to. Note that this is not reflected in Create Mode's HUD Canvas.


Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Display Style: (
SquareSquare •‎

Set whether the text should be contained in a beige square, or a rounded white speech bubble.


Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Format: (
NumberNumber •‎

This affects how the number will be displayed on the Timer widget.
Tweak GenericSetting No.pngNumber
The number will be displayed as a regular number; 100 will display as 100.
Tweak GenericSetting No.pngTime
The number will be divided into seconds and minutes; 100 will display as 1:40.