Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png

Quest Sensor

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Quest Marker
Popit Icon
Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Sensors
In-Game Category: Adventuring
Outputs: 1
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The Quest Marker is a Sensor Gadget in LittleBigPlanet 3 that outputs a signal based on the state of one of the level's Quests.


Select Quest

Tweak Base Global Quest Icon.png
Quest Title
Opens a dialogue box to select one of the level/adventure's Quests.
Tweak Quest Objective.png
Objective Title
Opens a dialogue box to select one of the Quest's Objectives (if the chosen Quest has any).


Tweak Base Sensor State Icon.png
State: (
InactiveInactive •‎
ActiveActive •‎

Determines which state the chosen Quest or Objective must be in to trigger the Quest Sensor.
Tweak Quest State Inactive.pngInactive
The quest/objective has not been activated, and is not visible in the player's Organisertron.
Tweak Quest State Active.pngActive
The quest/objective currently active and has yet to be completed.
Tweak Quest State Complete.pngComplete
The quest/objective has been completed.
Tweak Quest Tracked.png
Tracked Quests Only: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the sensor will only send a signal if the quest or objective is being tracked.


Tweak Output Inverted.png
Invert Output: (
NoNo •‎

Inverts the gadget's output, turning On signals Off and vice-versa.
Tweak Quest Objective Output Carousel.png
Objective Output Type: (
DigitalDigital •‎

If the Quest Sensor's State is set to "Active", and if an objective that needs multiple completions has been selected, this tweak determines the signal that the sensor outputs.
Tweak Output Digital.pngDigital
The Quest Sensor outputs a digital ON signal as long as the objective is active.
Tweak Sensor Count.pngAnalogue
The Quest Sensor outputs an analogue signal proportional to how many times the objective has been completed, e.g. if an objective has been completed 5 times out of 10, the sensor outputs an analogue signal of 50%.
Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


Quest Sensor

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg