OR Gate

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OR Gate
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Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Simple Logic
Inputs: 2 - 100
Outputs: 1
Obtained from: Start
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The OR Gate is a simple logic gadget that activates when one or more of its inputs are active. By default it only has two ports, but can be can be changed to have more.

Signal Behaviour


Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output
Off Off Off Off
On Off Off On
Off On Off On
Off Off On On
On On Off On
On Off On On
Off On On On
On On On On

When any of its inputs receives a digital ON signal, the OR Gate passes it through its output. The table on the left shows how a 3-port OR Gate reacts to specific input combinations.

Analogue (Maximum Input)

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output
30% 40% 50% 50%
10% 40% -20% 40%
40% 40% -50% -50%
50% -50% -50% 50%
-50% 50% 50% -50%

The OR Gate has two modes for handling analogue signals. By default it outputs the strongest analogue signal it receives from any of its inputs, be it Positive or Negative. If two or more of its inputs tie for the strongest signal and both are in opposite directions, the direction from the topmost port is used.

Analogue (Add Inputs)

Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output
30% 40% 30% 100%
100% -50% -25% 25%
30% 40% 30% 100%
100% -100% -100% -100%
50% 50% 50% 100%

In LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, the OR Gate has an alternate output mode where, instead of outputting the strongest signal, the signals from all of its inputs are added together. Positive signals add to the combined strength, while Negative signals subtract from it. It should be noted that the OR Gate's signal strength is capped and cannot go higher than 100%, nor lower than -100%.

This output mode was brought over to LittleBigPlanet 2 in Game Update 1.28, and was carried forward to LittleBigPlanet 3.


Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Number of Ports: (2 - 100)
Changes how many inputs the OR Gate has.


Tweak Output Inverted.png
Invert Output: (
NoNo •‎

Inverts the gadget's output, turning On signals Off and vice-versa.
Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Output Value: (see below)
Sets which kind of analogue signal the OR Gate outputs.
Maximum Input: The OR Gate outputs the signal from whichever of its inputs receives the strongest signal — either Positive or Negative.
Add Inputs: The OR Gate outputs the combined signal strength of all its inputs, e.g. 30% + 30% = 60%. Note that the signal strength cannot go higher than 100%, or lower than -100%.
Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


OR Gate (Arcade)
Deactivate Active
OR Gate (LCD)