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Material Tweaker

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Material Tweaker
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gadgets
Category: Object Tweakers
Inputs: 1
Obtained from: Tutorials (LBP2/Vita)
Start (LBP3)
For the LittleBigPlanet Karting equivalent, see Physics Material.

The Material Tweaker is an Object Tweaker gadget that changes the physical properties of the object it is attached to.

Usage and Behaviour

The Material Tweaker is always active by default, but has an input to turn it on/off with logic. With a wire connected, it turns on when it receives a digital ON signal, deactivating when it turns OFF.



Tweak Material Grabbable Carousel.png
Grabbability: (
DefaultDefault •‎
Single GrabSingle Grab •‎
Not GrabbableNot Grabbable •‎

Sets whether or not the object can be grabbed by Sackthings or Movinator Cursors.
Tweak Material Grabbable Default.pngDefault
The object uses its default grab setting.
Tweak Material Grabbable SingleGrab.pngSingle Grab
The object can be grabbed, but only by one Sackthing at a time.
Tweak Material Sticky Disabled.pngNot Grabbable
The object cannot be grabbed, regardless of whether it is normally grabbable. If a Sackthing is grabbing the object, they are forced to let go.
Tweak Material Sticky Enabled.pngGrabbable
The object can be grabbed, regardless of whether it is normally grabbable.
Tweak Material Grabbable By Carousel.png
Grabbable By: (
Player and CursorPlayer and Cursor •‎
Player OnlyPlayer Only •‎
Cursor OnlyCursor Only

Determines whether the material can be grabbed by Sackthings, Movinator Cursors, or both.
Tweak Material Climbable.png
Climbable: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not Sackboy can climb in front of the material.


Tweak Material Restitution.png
Bouncy: (0% - 100%)
Sets how much velocity gets reflected when the object collides with a surface, or when another object collides with it.
Tweak Material Friction.png
Friction: (0% - 100%)
Determines how slippery the object is. 0% means it is completely frictionless, while 100% represents the material's default friction (slippery materials cannot be made non-slippery).
Tweak Material Sticky Carousel.png
Stickiness: (
NormalNormal •‎
Non-StickNon-Stick •‎

Determines how adhesive the object is.
Tweak Material Grabbable Default.pngNormal
The object does not stick to other objects, but can be picked up by sticky objects.
Tweak Material Sticky Disabled.pngNon-Stick
The object cannot be stuck to sticky objects.
Tweak Material Sticky Enabled.pngSticky
The object will stick to other objects, as if the player had glued them together manually.
Tweak Material Indestructible.png
Indestructible: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the material's shape cannot be affected by explosives, and it cannot be crushed by heavy object. Note that it will still be destroyed if it goes too far out of bounds.


Tweak Material RemoveBevel.png
Remove Bevel: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, and if the tweaker is applied to a material, its defaul bevel will be replaced with a sharper, more angular bevel. This is particularly noticeable with sponge, or any material that has a rounded bevel.
Tweak Material CastShadow.png
Cast Shadows: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object should cast shadows.


Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.


Tweak Base Global Audio Icon.png
Physics Sounds: (
NoNo •‎

Sets whether or not to play the chosen hazard's associated ambient loops.