Medal LittleBigPlanet Karting.png

Tutorial Impeller

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Tutorial Impeller
Game: LittleBigPlanet Karting
Type: Gadgets
Category: Sensors
Inputs: 0
Outputs: 1

The Tutorial Impeller is a developer gadget in LittleBigPlanet Karting that outputs a signal based on the player's progress through the tutorial in Karting Lessons.


The Tutorial Impeller can be found by loading Karting Lessons in Create Mode. Eight of them are attached to a giant block of Force Field material directly ahead of the start line, which are used to drop different contextual signs from the sky. An additional four can be found attached to force fields at the track's four corners, which are used to spawn homing weapons during the defence portion of the tutorial.

While attached to an object it behaves like any other gadget; the player can pick it up and move it with the Popit Cursor, but its orientation will be incorrect. If the player clones the object that a Tutorial Impeller is attached to, it will behave normally. But if the Tutorial Impeller is cloned directly, it produces a broken object that can be placed anywhere in the scene; these clones have no collision and no functionality. Furthermore, once placed they cannot be re-selected or removed by the Reset tools in Global Settings, and even persist between levels; the only way to get rid of them is to restart the game.


The tutorial in Karting Lessons sets various flags as different sections begin and end; when a flag that corresponds to the Tutorial Impeller's contents gets set, it outputs a digital ON signal. The tutorial does not un-set these flags, so the gadget will remain powered until the level ends.

Below is a list of flags that are detected by the Tutorial Impeller. Note that any flag that does not have an OFF Trigger will persist until the player either resets the level or returns to the Pod.

Flag Name ON Trigger OFF Trigger
StartDrift Drift section begins None
EndDrift Player successfully drifts None
StartDriftSteer Drift Steer section begins None
EndDriftSteer Player successfully drifts while steering None
WeaponDeploy Weaponators spawned None
KillAI AI Hoard despawns None
ShieldTime Player collects a weapon during the Shield portion of the tutorial Player loses their weapon
EndShield Player successfully blocks a homing weapon None


Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode.
PARAM_NAME: (text field; 64 characters)
Opens the system keyboard to type a text string. Any text can be entered here, but the gadget will only output a signal when the tutorial sets a flag that corresponds to the string specified here. See above for a list of valid flags.
