Karting Lessons

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Karting Lessons
Badge Underlay.pngLBPK Badge LBP Main KartingLessons.pngLevel Badge Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet Karting
Location LittleBigPlanet
Creator The Queen
Level type Main
Number of players 1
Level Chronology
Garden Grip Garden Grip

Have you brushed your teeth, Sackfriend? Now it's time to brush up your driving skills. Learn how to drive, drift, and use Weaponators.

Level description

Karting Lessons is a single player tutorial level in LittleBigPlanet Karting, and the first place that new players are sent when starting a new save file. After getting their hands on a Hoard kart, the Narrator teaches Sackboy (the player) how to control their new ride. As with the Introduction levels in past games, this level serves to tutorialise the game's driving controls and weapon system.


Bubble Mask.png
Minimap for Karting Lessons

Karting Lessons is by far the most simplistic track in the game, consisting of a small rounded square. There are no hazards, and weapons are only made available when required.

The tutorial begins with an option to choose a preferred control scheme, after which the player is given time to experiment with the controls. In this 'basics' phase, the triggers to advance the tutorial are found in front of crosswalk, and just before the final turn, the former triggering the steering dialogue, and the latter prompting the player to confirm their controls. In this phase only, if the player reaches a trigger while multiple lines of narration are queued, the game will wait until the queue has finished before playing the next set of lines (e.g. passing the crosswalk while the narrator is still explaining accelerating and braking will delay the steering instructions until the first set of dialogue has finished).

After confirming their control scheme, the player is taught how to drift, and drift while steering. Both of these phases require holding a drift until the tyres on the kart ignite, but the latter also requires steering either by pushing Left stick, Left or Right buttons, or tilting the PS Move Racing Wheel.

The first 'Weaponator' phase spawns an AI Hoard for the player to do target practice on, though it ends in success regardless of whether or not the player actually hits them; they despawn in preperation for the next phase either way. In the 'defence' phase, holding a weapon periodically spawns homing missile at the four corners of the track; the player has to successfully defend it in order to continue. The tutorial ends with the player choosing the game's difficulty, and the Narrator encouraging them to return if they forget anything.


In-game art
'Left Bank Two'
by Mocean Worker


To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do: There's unique dialogue if you're playing with a PS Move Racing Wheel; I've included a few lines, but I don't own the accessory so I can't easily verify where or if some of them are used.


Narrator: The greedy, grabby Hoard are a simple bunch, so driving one of their commandeered karts isn’t going to be a prob for a clever clog like you. You just need to be shown the basics and you’ll be away faster than a cow pat off a hot, shiny shovel.
Narrator: Quick tour of the Controller would be good. Ooh, would you prefer to use the X BUTTON or the R2 BUTTON to accelerate?


Narrator: Okay, the basics. Press the acceleration button and your kart will move forward. Keep it down if you want to burn wool.
Narrator: You can achieve some pretty exhilarating speeds in this game so let go of the button if you want to slow down for a corner or stop altogether.
Narrator: The BRAKE button will stop you even quicker if you need a loo break.
Narrator: Once you've stopped, keep that BRAKE button held down if you want to reverse.
[DualShock 3]: Steering is done by pushing the LEFT STICK left or right, or you can use the DIRECTIONAL BUTTONS.
    [PS Move]: To steer, just turn your PlayStation®Move Racing Wheel to the left, or the right. Easy.

Acceleration Idles

Narrator: The engine's running, the track's waiting. Let's do this thing! ...providing you remember which button is the accelerator of course.
Narrator: Look, I'm taking my cat Susan to the dentist at 3. Press the accelerator button and we can get going.
Narrator: Erm, I think the lights are green for go. Want to…erm, press the accelerator?

Steering Idles

Narrator: Come on then, time and track wait for no one.
Narrator: Okay, that’s the comfy seats tested and working. Now let’s dry driving and drifting.
Narrator: I heard there’s some crazy corners up ahead that need some cool drifting. If you fancy it press the ‘go’ button and we’ll take a look.

Confirm Controls

Narrator: Well, if you’re happy with the ergonomic comfort of your controller layout just give the old action button a Sammy-stab and it’s all confirmed.
Narrator: Excellent. You’ve picked your preferred controller buttons and we can continue.
Narrator: And, if you want to go back and alter them at any stage, feel free to do so in the Pause menu or the Settings menu in your Pod. You have to feel 100% comfortable when you're wacky racing, am I not right, sir?


Narrator: In Karting lingo, ‘drifting’ means taking a corner in a really cool way.
Narrator: It’s skidding, but controlled skidding, and saves all the hassle of braking.
Narrator: To drift, steer the way you want to go in a corner whilst pressing and holding the DRIFT button.
Narrator: The Kart turns to the side and skids - in a visually pleasing manner, I might add.
Narrator: It’s advisable to hold your drift until your tires ignite. That’s a good time to release the DRIFT button and get a satisfying boost. You get my drift?


Narrator: That's fine, nobody gets Drifting right the first go. Hold down the DRIFT button to get through the corner then release.
Narrator: You're nearly there with this Drifting mularkey. Hold, drift, release.
Narrator: You're so close to being the Drift Daddy. Just keep the DRIFT button down while accelerating and steering.


Narrator: You see! That was a superb bit of drifting! Both excellent and excellent.
Narrator: The boost you get is from the positive-thinking molecules of the Imagisphere igniting in the drift backdraft. The bigger the flame the bigger the boost.
Narrator: Now, who wants to know how to steer and drift at the same time. Hmm?

Drift and Steer

Narrator: You’re doing brilliantly with the drifting, now to drift whilst steering your kart. 
[DualShock 3]: So this time, press the DRIFT button and steer with the left stick. Remember D and S, drift and steer. 
    [PS Move]: So this time, press the Drift button and steer. Remember D ‘n’ S, drift and steer.


Narrator: Your drifting was so good - now, just use your Left Stick to steer while you drift round the corner. Steer! Steer Steer! The three Ss!
Narrator: Let’s give it a go. Use the Left Stick to steer WHILE you’re drifting. Then Robert is your mother's brother.
Narrator: Those corners are there for the taking. Drift around them whilst steering with the Left Stick!


[DualShock 3]: Okay, let's try this ‘Drift And Steer’ business again. Hold down the DRIFT button whilst using the Left Stick to steer around the corner. Release, boost, sorted.
Narrator: Let’s try that again, shall we?
Narrator: You're getting better every time! Allow your kart to drift, but keep control of your steering with the Left Stick. Then, release the DRIFT button. Have another bash!
Narrator: Ok, don’t panic, let’s try it again.
Narrator: LittleBigPlanet wasn't built in a day, so don't despair. Just start drifting, steer with the Left Stick THEN release the DRIFT button. Honestly, I really think we’re turning a corner here.


Narrator: Nailed it! Knew you would! Now you're equipped with another string to your bow.


Narrator: Well you passed your driving test with all the flying colors of the rainbow. Time to start your weapons training. No, we’re not getting bogged down in the logistics of ballistics, we’re simply going to show you how to blast suckers off the road. 
Narrator: Behold, the Weaponator! A serious bit of kit. Drive through it to pick it up, then you can start collecting weapons. Each time you get one, Sackboy will be holding it looking tougher than 9 year old cheese and twice as dangerous.

Pre-Collection Idles

Narrator: The Weaponator! Seriously, you need that! Just drive through it, we’ll install it for you free of charge.
Narrator: We’re going to need that Weaponator you know. It’s not going to come to us.  and it won’t come to us. Drive through it and it installs itself.
Narrator: Look, we can either sit here and listen to MY mix tape - and it’s not brilliant - or we could drive on and get that Weaponator.


Narrator: Ooh, nicely collected there, number one. You are now furnished with the Weaponator. It dishes out weapons in what we call R.R. Distribution. R.R. stands for Really Random. Press the Weapon Button to fire.

Post-Collection Idles

Narrator: Are we having fun yet? You've gone a tad quiet.
Narrator: The weaponator is fully functional you know. Seems a shame not to use it. Go on, press the weapons button and shoot something.
Narrator: The weaponator is highly collectable, but you should really take it out the box and play with it. Press the weapon button and let it rip.


Narrator: Two words 'awe' 'some'. Like your style. Now let's talk about how to make every shot count.


Narrator: Taking a hit will slow you down and make you lose slight control of your Kart, so avoid it if you can. 
Narrator: Now we're going to give you what we call a Defensive Weapon. Defensive Weapons are slightly sneaky, in that they can be deployed behind you to slow down other racers, or destroy incoming weapons fire. 
Narrator: If you watch for the incoming weapon icon, you'll see it changes into a shield. This is the exact time to press the weapon button and deploy your Defensive Weapon. When the icon shows a shield, the defensive weapon will fire backwards, to intercept the barrage from the brutes behind. Flipping tail-gaiters.

Pre-Collection Idles

Narrator: Remember we spoke about firing behind to protect yourself. Fancy having a go now? Sort of nowish.
Narrator: What bit of 'take some defensive action' is puzzling you.
Narrator: Fire backwards to intercept a barrage from the brutes behind, or fire forward to be a barrage bearing brute yourself.

Failed (Too Late)

Narrator: Aw, inexperienced Sack racers, they blow up so quickly these days. Remember, wait until the weapons icon turns into a shield THEN hit your Weapon Button to defend. Fire immediately. You’ll get there.
Narrator: Got you again did they. Not to worry, we’ll drag you back from kingdom come for another go. Wait until the incoming weapon icon shows a shield, then press the weapon button to defend your posterior. 
Narrator: You certainly know the procedure. See the shield icon, press the Weapon Button, and you'll use the weapon to defend yourself. It’s just you’re getting the order a little muddled. Have another go. I have every faith in you.

Failed (Too Early)

Narrator: Keep hold of your weapon until the threat is imminent next time. You can do it.
Narrator: Okay, next time keep hold of that all important weapon until you see the shield - then fire. We’re getting there.
Narrator: Very nearly well done. Next time only fire when you see the shield. You’re getting the hang of it!


Narrator: Now you’re firing on all cylinders, you clever sack bombardier you. 
Narrator: Just remember, once you have a weapon you can make use of it straight away or save it for a more dire situation.

Wrapping Up

Game Difficulty

Narrator: You can set the difficulty level of your game you know. ‘Normal’ is your bog standard threat and hurdle setting and is nothing you can’t handle. But if you’re of a mind to Sunday drive with very little to do set it to ‘Casual.’ You can always alter it later to rev up the fun.

Tutorial Finished

Narrator: Congrats! In fact, what the heck, congratulations, have the full lot! You’ve learned so much in such a short time, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were an android.
Narrator: And if you ever forget anything or you want a quick recap get your sack tushy back here and we’ll do the whole bally lot again. I would love that.
