Medal LittleBigPlanet.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 2.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PSP.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.png
Medal LittleBigPlanet Karting.png

Popit Cursor

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Popit Cursor
Popit Function
Type: Tool
Games: LittleBigPlanet,
LittleBigPlanet Portable,
LittleBigPlanet 2,
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita,
LittleBigPlanet Karting,
LittleBigPlanet 3

The Popit Cursor is your main tool to interact with things in create mode.

Tool Usage

Placing Objects

With an item selected from popit, it will appear transparent. If you press Cross button, the item will be placed.
If you press and hold down Cross button while placing an object, it will open up the tweak menu for the item once it is placed down.

Selection Options

Selecting Objects

Hover your cursor over the item you wish to select, and press Cross button. The item will now be selected.
When an item is selected, you can then press Cross button or Circle button to deselect it.

Any items selected with the Popit Cursor will remain suspended in the air until the popit is closed.

If you hold down Cross button and use Left stick, you can create a box selection to select multiple objects at a time.

If you push in Left stick while an object is selected, it will duplicate the object, allowing you to create copies of the same object that can be placed down.

Selection List

In LittleBigPlanet 2 and onwards, if you hold down R2 button while selecting, the object will be added to a selection list.
You can add other objects to the selection list with Cross button, and when you let go of R2 button it will select all the objects in the list.

Moving Objects

You can move an object vertically and horizontally using Left stick, scale the object by pushing up or down on Right stick, and rotate the object by pushing left or right on Right stick.

If you push in Right stick while an object is selected, it will flip the object across the x-axis.

When an item is selected, you can use L1 button to move it forwards in a layer, and L2 button to move it backwards in a layer.
Using R1 button you can increase the thickness of a material, and using R2 button you can decrease the thickness of a material.

In the original LittleBigPlanet, if you place an object while its layer is being changed, it can be placed in normally invalid layers.
Selecting the object when it's in an invalid layer will automatically snap it to being in a valid layer. This applies to thicknesses as well, and can be used to access the two normally inaccessible layers.

Detatching and Deleting

When you have an item you wish to delete selected, press Triangle button.

If the item is glued or parented to other objects, it will detach that item from the grouping.
If you press and hold down Triangle button while a group is selected, the entire group will be deleted.

In LittleBigPlanet 2 and onwards, if you have a decal selected and move Left stick, the decal will be detached from its parent object.


If you want to glue two items together, position them so that they're next to eachother, or the second item is directly in the layer behind.
When you have an object selected, start to press and hold Cross button. A gluing sound will start, and after one second the items will be glued together.
You can cancel gluing if you let go of Cross button in the middle of the gluing action.

With selective gluing, you can choose which items will be glued together when you start the gluing action.

If you push two items against eachother with Left stick, the item you are pushing against will be highlighted with your popit color, and will be the item that's glued to when you start the gluing action.
This will only glue the two items you're pushing together and not any items that are in the layers directly behind them.

If you hold down L2 button while an object is infront of another oject, the item in the layer behind will be highlighted with your popit color, and will be the item that's glued to when you start the gluing action.
This will only glue the two items across the layers, and not any items next to them.

If you hold down L1 button while an object is behind another object, the item in front will be highlighted with your popit color, and will be the item that's glued to when you start the gluing action.
This will only glue the two items across the layers, and not any items next to them.

Hover Options


If you move your popit cursor over an object, that object will be highlighted with your popit color, showing it can be interacted with.

In LittleBigPlanet 2 and onwards, an infobubble will be displayed showing the name of the item you hover over.
This introduced a bug that causes the level to boot you to your pod if an item has an invalid name.
In LittleBigPlanet Vita items display names for user-made objects instead of just developer objects.
In LittleBigPlanet 3 a workaround was introduced that assigns a name to items that have sent the player to pod, which allows you to hover over them without being booted to your pod if they've been hovered over once before.


If you hover over an object that can be tweaked, you can press Square button to open its tweak menu.

Hiding Objects

In LittleBigPlanet 2 and onwards, if you press L2 button while hovering over an object, the object will made transparent, and you can select objects behind it. This can be done to multiple objects at a time.
If you then press L1 button, all hidden objects will be revealed again.

Displaying Infobubbles (LBP3 Only)

In LittleBigPlanet 3, if you press R2 button while hovering over an object, it will display an infobubble with relevant information about the object, like its weight and layer range.
If you press L2 button while hovering over the output for a switch, an oscilloscope will be displayed that shows the output signal from the switch.