Kart Reset Tweaker

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Games: LittleBigPlanet Karting
Type: Gadgets
Category: Kart Tweaker
Inputs: 1
Obtained from: Start

The Kart Reset Tweaker, known simply as Reset in-game, is a Kart Tweaker that forces the attached kart to reset, or prevents it from respawning.

Usage and Behaviour

The Reset gadget can only be placed on Spawn Points, and affects whichever kart spawns there. The gadget will not do anything unless it has a wire connected to its input; when it receives a digital ON signal, it will do one of two things depending on its Input Action.

In its default mode, Force Reset, the driver is automatically reset as if they had pressed Select button — losing their current weapon and a portion of their score — and will appear at the nearest respawn point. If the Reset gadget is given a label, it will send the owner to the nearest spawn point with that label when it activates, if it exists.

In its alternate mode, Block Reset, if the owner dies or manually resets, they will be prevented from respawning for as long as the tweaker remains active. Once the gadget loses power, they will respawn at the nearest spawn point.


Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Input Action: (Tweak Base Sensor Reset Icon.png Force Reset; Tweak GenericSetting No.png Block Reset)
Determines how the Reset tweaker affects the kart it is attached to.
Tweak Base Sensor Reset Icon.png Force Reset
The kart is forcibly sent to the nearest respawn point.
Tweak GenericSetting No.png Block Reset
If the kart dies or is reset while the tweaker is active, they will not respawn until it de-activates.
Tweak Base Sensor Reset Icon.png
Reset to: (text field; 64 characters)
Opens the system keyboard to enter a Spawn Point label. When the Reset gadget is activated, it will send its owner to the closest Spawn Point with a matching label. If this field is left empty, or there are no matching Spawn Points, the kart will simply respawn at the closest available respawn point instead.