Medal LittleBigPlanet.png
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Scuba Gear

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Scuba Gear
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay Kits
Category: Powerups
Obtained from: DLC (LBP1)
Start (LBP2/3/Vita)

Scuba Gear is a powerup that allows the player to breathe underwater. First introduced in the Pirates of the Caribbean Kit for the original LittleBigPlanet, it along with Global Water has since been included as part of the default toolset from LittleBigPlanet 2 onwards.


Scuba Gear is equipped by running past it, either on the same layer or within two adjacent, unobstructed layers of its pedestal. Scuba Gear does not alter the user's moveset, however, they will not drown while it is equipped. If a player is underwater and equips Scuba Gear, their oxygen will be fully replensished and will not deplete until they remove the powerup.

Scuba Gear is one of the only powerups in the entire series that does not get removed when entering water or Floaty Fluid.


Tweak Gun Removable.png
Can Be Dropped: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the player can discard the powerup by pressing Circle button. If set to No, it can only be removed by a Powerup Remover or dying.


Model Renders

Scuba Gear - Pedestal

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Scuba Gear - Equipped

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Official Artwork