Prize Bubble

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Prize Bubble
Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet PSP, LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay Kits
Category: Collectibles
Inputs: 0 (LBP1)
1 (LBP2/3/Vita)
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The Prize Bubble is a larger variant of the Score Bubble that is used to give players an item from Popit when collected.

Usage and Behaviour

Much like the Score Bubble it's based on, it occupies a single layer and is usually collected by colliding with it or passing within two unobstructed layers of it. Once collected it will award the collecting player a value of 50 points, and the item inside will be added to their collected items. In the Setting menu, players have the option to prevent community prizes from entering their Popit when collected in community levels.

When all Prize Bubbles containing items in a level have been added to the player's Popit, a rooster crow sound effect will play to signify that they've collected all the prizes.

Starting with LittleBigPlanet 2, a power input was added to the object, allowing it to be collected remotely using logic.


Tweak Base Tweaker Material Icon.png
Physical Properties: (
StaticStatic •‎

When Static, the object cannot be moved while time is unpaused. When Dynamic, the object can be moved and is subject to gravity.
Tweak Item Select.png
Opens a menu that allows the user to place a captured object or custom sticker into the Prize Bubble. Items collected from community levels will appear at the bottom of their respective pages, and can be put inside the Prize Bubble if the original author has made it Shareable.
Tweak Gameplay Shareable.png
Shareable: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, players that collect the prize can share it with other players or place it in their own Prize Bubbles. If set to No, players cannot share it. These rules only apply to player-made items.
