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Blink Ball

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Blink Ball
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Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay Kits
Category: Powerups
Obtained from: Start
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The Blink Ball is a Sackpocket Item in LittleBigPlanet 3. It is a variant of the Creatinator which shoots projectiles that teleport their owner to specific Blink Panels.


The Blink Ball is one of five default powerups that are selectable on the Sackpocket Items page of Global Stuff. In Adventure Mode, it is given to the player at the start of High Stakes Heist. In order to use it in a user-made level, the player must place a Powerup Pedestal or Sackpocket Pedestal, and put the Blink Ball in its Adventure Item slot.

Usage controls are identical to the Creatinator; Right stick to aim and R1 button to shoot in the direction the player is looking. The Blink Ball object itself bounces off of other objects, but does not collide with the player. When the Blink Ball comes into contact with a Blink Panel, it teleports its owner to the closest matching Tag on the Blink Panel, then destroys itself. It also self-destructs after four seconds.

Only one Blink Ball can be fired at a time, with a one second cooldown between shots; attempting to fire another Blink Ball while the first is still bouncing around will destroy the first ball to make way for the new shot.

Logic Breakdown

The Blink Ball object's logic in Create Mode.

An Impact Sensor in the Blink Ball's logic chip detects when the ball collides with a solid object that has a green Tag labelled "teleport material" on it, activating either when it collides with a Thick layer object or brushes past a Thin layer object immediately behind or in front of it. This activates a Sequencer with a Destroyer in it, and a Broadcast Microchip that handles the actual character teleportation, which is broadcasted to the nearest green "teleport material" Tag that is both on the same layer as the ball, and within a 45.0 detection radius.

If there are multiple matching Tags in range, the player will be teleported to whichever one is closest to the Blink Ball, even if that Tag isn't attached to the same object that the ball collided with. Conversely, if there are no matching Tags in range, the Blink Ball destroys itself without teleporting the player.

The Blink Ball uses the Character Teleporter, abiding by its teleportation mechanics. The player will always be teleported in front of the tag, unless the area in front of it is blocked by another solid object or the tagged object is on Layer 1, in which case the player will not be teleported.

Related Achievements

Main article: LittleBigPlanet 3/Pins
LBP3Pin Play BlinkAndYoullMissIt.png
Blink and you'll miss it...
Picked up the Blink Ball


Model Renders

Blink Ball - Pedestal

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Blink Ball - Sackpocket Pedestal

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Blink Ball - Projectile

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Blink Ball - Equipped

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Official Renders