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Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay Kits
Category: Sackbots
Obtained from: Tutorials
Start (LBP3)
Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.
To do:
  • Add the rest of the tweaks.

A Sackbot, localized as Robit (ロビッツ) in Japan, is a programmable non-player character that debuted in LittleBigPlanet 2. By default they appear as wooden robots loosely modeled after Sackboy, but they can be dressed up with any costume in the Popit, controlled or programmed with logic, and even used to create fully-fledged custom characters.

Usage and behaviour

Sackbots are found in the Gameplay Kits section (Creatures & Characters in LittleBigPlanet 3) of the Tools Bag. They are essentially placeable Sackboy objects, occupying the same sub-layer and abiding by the same physical limitations and vulnerabilities. When lethalized, Sackbots become immune to their own hazard; a Sackbot lethalised with electricity can safely interact with other electrified objects, for example.

By default, Sackbots cannot swim in water or Floaty Fluid; they will be electrocuted and die as soon as they come into contact with it. An option to make them waterproof was later added in LittleBigPlanet 3, however, it is possible to observe Sackbots swimming in LittleBigPlanet PS Vita's Create Mode by placing it inside of a dephysicalised electric material that is submerged in water.

Just like Microchips, Sackbots have circuit boards that can be opened by hovering the Popit Cursor over it and pressing R1 button.

In LittleBigPlanet 3, Sackbots can be captured as custom characters.

Using powerups

With appropriate tweaking a Sackbot can equip many of the same powerups that players can. With the exception of the Creatinator and Paintinator though, they will not actually use them of their own volition; the player must specifically program them to make use of them, either through acting or logic.


A Sackbot with a Controlinator configured to automatically slap via the left stick.

Controlinators have the ability to control Sackbots via logic. Placing a Controlinator on a Sackbot's Microchip will cause inputs to the buttons on the Controlinator to appear. Activating these inputs will relay the same output on the Controlinator's outputs, but it will also pass the input down to the Sackbot and allow it to perform movement actions much like Sackboy. This includes walking, moving the Sackbot's arms, jumping, and slapping. However, since Sackbots are not real players, you are not able to use the Popit or any other UI.

Using another Controlinator and tweaking it to transmit a signal, you can tweak a Controlinator placed on a Sackbot and have it receive such signals. You can use this functionality to transmit a player's inputs to a Sackbot.

There are a few scrapped gadgets that would have provided or supplemented this function. Sackbot Waypoints were individual gadgets that would each cause a Sackbot to do a specific action. This was then replaced by Sackbot Pads, which could be placed directly on the Sackbot to control it, which were in turn replaced by the Controlinator's "Override Sackbot" tweak. The Saddle as seen in LBP3 prototypes was similar to Sackbot Pads in that it was able to be placed directly on Sackbots.

Animation Styles

By default the Sackbot has robotic movement, and its limbs squeak whenever they move. Through its tweak menu, though, the way a Sackbot moves and acts can be adjusted by changing its Animation Style. In LittleBigPlanet 2 and LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, this was combined with the Behaviour Chip and Expression tweaks (see below) to have it make specific poses during cutscenes. The available animations vary from game to game. Below is a table listing every animation style and which games they can be used in.

Animation Style Available in LBP2 Available in LBP Vita Available in LBP3 Character Notes
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Sackboy.png
Yes Yes Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Robot.png
Yes Yes Yes Sackboy Default style for Sackbots using the Sackboy character type.
Joints squeak when animating.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Zombot.png
Yes Yes Yes Sackboy Joints squeak when animating.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Sleepy.png
Yes Yes Yes Sackboy Joints squeak when animating.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Avalon.png
Yes Yes (renamed to Heroic) Yes Sackboy
Costume Popov Factory Curator Clive rFinal Icon.png
Yes No Yes Sackboy Has a custom blinking animation that prevents the Sackbot's eyes from blinking.
Costume Da Vinci Curator Davinci rBeta 1-00 Icon.png
Da Vinci
Yes Yes (renamed to Vivacious) Yes Sackboy
Costume Eve Asylum Curator Eve rBeta 1-00 Icon.png
Yes No Yes Sackboy
Costume Cosmos Curator Higinbothem rBeta 1-00 Icon.png
Yes Yes (renamed to Eccentric) Yes Sackboy
Costume Victoria Lab Curator Victoria rBeta 1-00 Icon.png
Yes Yes (renamed to Ladylike) Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Hollow.png
No Yes No Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style WhiteWolf.png
White Wolf
No No Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style NanaPud.png
Nana Pud
No No Yes Sackboy Has a custom blinking animation that reduces how much the eyes close when blinking.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Newton.png
No No Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style EvilNewton.png
Evil Newton
No No Yes Sackboy Features different "Happy" expressions, but is otherwise identical to the "Newton" style.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style MarlonRandom.png
Marlon Random
No No Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style CaptainPud.png
Captain Pud
No No Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style Bear.png
No No Yes Sackboy
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style PinkyBuflooms.png
Pinky Buflooms
No No Yes Sackboy
LBP3PS4 OddSock PopitIcon.png
No No Yes OddSock Default style for Sackbots using the OddSock character type.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style ToggleBig.png
Toggle (Big)
No No Yes Toggle (Big) Default style for Sackbots using the Toggle (Big) character type.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style ToggleSmall.png
Toggle (Small)
No No Yes Toggle (Small) Default style for Sackbots using the Toggle (Small) character type.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style ZomZom.png
Zom Zom
No No Yes Toggle (Small)
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style PapalMache.png
Papal Mache
No No Yes Toggle (Small)
LBP3PS4 Swoop PopitIcon.png
No No Yes Swoop Default style for Sackbots using the Swoop character type.


In LittleBigPlanet 3, Sackbots can be tweaked to be Changelings, meaning it has multiple forms.


Multiple Forms

Tweak Sensor DetectForm Alternate.png
Is a Changeling (LBP3 Only): (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the Sackbot is able to change forms with L1 button.


Tweak Item Select.png
Choose an outfit for the Sackbot to wear.
Tweak Item Select.png
Choose Creature Type (LBP3 Only): (Sackboy; OddSock; Toggle (Big); Toggle (Small); Swoop;)
Sets which character the Sackbot will be based on from a selection of Sackbot Meshes. Default is Sackboy.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Owner Carousel.png
Costume Selection: (
Custom costumeCustom costume •‎
Copy Player 1Copy Player 1 •‎
Copy Player 2Copy Player 2 •‎
Copy Player 3Copy Player 3 •‎
Copy Player 4Copy Player 4 •‎
Copy OwnerCopy Owner

Choose how the Sackbot dresses.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Custom.pngCustom Costume
The Sackbot wears a specific costume specified by the creator (see above)
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Owner Copy.pngCopy Player 1/2/3/4
The Sackbot copies the outfit being worn by a specific player
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Owner Controlinator.pngCopy Owner
The Sackbot's costume is determined by whoever is controlling it with a Controlinator
ToggleGiant Icon Small.png
Copy Form (LBP3 Only): (
NoNo •‎

If the Sackbot is set to copy another player's costume, this determines whether or not the Sackbot also changes form to match the character being played as.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Style.png
Animation Style: (See above)
Determines which set of animations the Sackbot will use. This is the only tweak in this category that can be adjusted with a Behaviour chip.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance FunnyHead.png
Funny Head Size: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the Sackbot's head changes size along with the rest of its body.


Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Expression Type.png
Expression Type: (
NeutralNeutral •‎
HappyHappy •‎
SadSad •‎
AngryAngry •‎

Sets the expression on the Sackbot's face.
Tweak Sackbot Appearance Animation Expression Level.png
Expession Level: ()
Sets the intensity of the expression. Labels depend on the Expression Type. Not applicable for the neutral expression.


Tweak Sackbot Movement Speed.png
Walking Speed: (30% - 150%)
Determines how fast the Sackbot walks and runs. Not applicable when captured as a custom character.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour Carousel.png
Behaviour: (See below)
Sets the Sackbot's basic behaviour.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour Idle.pngIdle
The Sackbot will stand in place and not move of its own volition. It may still look around and perform idle animations.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour FollowPlayer.pngFollow
The Sackbot will follow the nearest player in its awareness radius.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour FleePlayer.pngFlee
The Sackbot will run away from players that enter its awareness radius.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour Patrol.pngPatrol
The Sackbot will pace back and forward, turning around when it encounters a barrier, be it physical or invoked by its AI Tweaks. If the Sackbot is hostile it will chase players that enter its Awareness Radius.
This behaviour is broken in LittleBigPlanet 3.
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour Act.pngAct
Allows the creator to record an animation that will be played back based on specific parameters (see below).
Tweak Sackbot Behaviour FollowWaypoint.pngFollow Waypoint
The Sackbot will follow the nearest Tag in its Awareness Radius, matching the criteria specified below.


Tweak Visual ShowCircuitboard.png
Show Circuitboard: (
NoNo •‎

Opens or closes the Sackbot's circuitboard. This can also be set by highlighting the Sackbot with the Popit Cursor, and pressing R1 button.
Tweak Visual StabiliseCircuitboard.png
Stabilise Circuitboard: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the circuitboard will always stay upright as the Sackbot rotates.


Tweak Sensor Radius.png
Awareness Radius: (0.1 - 5000.0)
Sets how close a player needs to be for the Sackbot to become aware of them. Setting this value lower than 0.1 set the radius to Infinite.

AI Tweaks

Tweak Sackbot Movement InOut.png
Can Change Layer: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the Sackbot is able to change layers.
Tweak Sackbot Movement Jump.png
Can Jump: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the Sackbot can jump of its own accord. This only applies to its pathfinding; it can still jump while being controlled with a Controlinator.
Tweak Global Water Murkiness.png
Can Swim: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the Sackbot dies when entering water or Floaty Fluid. Note that this tweak will be ignored if Behaviour is set to anything other than Idle or Act.
Tweak Sackbot Movement FearHeights.png
Afraid of Heights: (
NoNo •‎

If enabled, the Sackbot will not willingly jump off a ledge that exceeds its jump height.
Tweak Sackbot Movement FearDanger.png
Afraid of Danger: (
NoNo •‎

If enabled, the Sackbot will try to avoid coming into contact with lethalised objects, taking the hazard applied to itself (if any) into account.
Tweak Sackbot Target Hostile.png
Hostile: (
NoNo •‎

If left off, the Sackbot will try to stop a short distance from the player if set to Follow. If it is enabled, it will rudely barge into the nearest player's space, near enough to kill them if the Sackbot happens to be lethalised.
Hostility also makes the Sackbot use powerups, like the Creatinator and the Paintinator, against the player and other non-hostile Sackbots.
Tweak Sackbot Movement RightHanded.png
Right-Handed: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot walks in a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion when in Patrol mode.


These tweaks determine whether or not a Sackbot is able to pick up specific powerups. Note that even with these tweaks enabled, they may not actually use them of their own accord. Regardless of these settings, a Sackbot cannot use the following powerups unless it is captured as a character.

Tweak Sackbot Powerups Creatinator.png
Can Use Creatinator: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can pick up and use the Creatinator powerup. This also allows them to use the Paintinator.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups Grabinator.png
Can Use Grabinators: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can pick up the Grabinators.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups Controlinator.png
Can Use Controlinator And Movinator: (
NoNo •‎

If set to Yes, the Sackbot will automatically enter unoccupied Controlinators and Movinators
Tweak Sackbot Powerups BrainCrane.png
Can Use Brain Crane: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can pick up the Brain Crane powerup.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups HeroCape.png
Can Use Hero Cape: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can use the Hero Cape powerup.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups HookHat.png
Can Use Hook Hat: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can wear the Hook Hat.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups Springinator.png
Can Use Springinator: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can use the Springinator powerup. Only applicable if the Sackbot's creature type is set to OddSock.
Tweak Sackbot Powerups Hoverboard.png
Can Use Hoverboard: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether the Sackbot can use the Hoverboard powerup.

Actor Name

Tweak Text ActorName.png
Select or Tweak an Actor Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Actor label, or select an existing one.

Look At

Tweak Sackbot Target LookAtPlayer.png
Looks Around: (
NoNo •‎

When enabled, the Sackbot will turn its head towards players, other Sackbots and lethalised objects, provided they are within its Awareness Radius.
Tweak Sackbot Target LookAtKey.png
Looks at Tag: (
NoNo •‎

When enabled, the Sackbot will turn its head towards a specific Tag when it enters its Awareness Radius.
Tweak Speech Bubble Visuals.png
Looks Directly Towards Things: (
NoNo •‎

When enabled, the Sackbot's head will try to maintain eye-contact with its target.
Tweak Sackbot Target LookAtSpeed.png
Look At Speed: (0% - 100%)
Sets how fast the Sackbot's head turns to face its target.


The following tweaks only apply if the Sackbot can use the Creatinator/Paintinator, and are used to have it shoot at a specific Tag.

Tweak Sensor Key.png
Look At Tag Colour: (
Blue •‎
Purple •‎
Pink •‎
Red •‎
Yellow •‎
Lime •‎
Green •‎

Sets which colour of Tag the Sackbot will look and aim at.
Tweak Text Label.png
Select or Tweak a Tag Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Tag label, or select an existing one.

Behaviour Chip

Popit Icon
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay Kits
Category: Sackbots
Inputs: 1
Obtained from: Start

As well as the Sackbot itself, the Gameplay Kits section of the Tools Bag also contains a gadget called the Behaviour, or Behaviour Chip, which allows certain tweaks on a Sackbot to be changed mid-level. The tweak menu of this gadget is nearly identical to the one that's accessed by tweaking the Sackbot directly, albeit with settings related to costumes, creature type and multiple forms being omitted. Normally this gadget can only be placed on a Sackbot's circuit board; it isn't possible to place it outside directly, but it is possible to have a Behaviour chip exist outside of a Sackbot by placing the gadget inside another Microchip nested in the bot, and moving that onto a different surface.

Every Sackbot comes with a Behaviour chip permanently stuck to the centre of its circuit board, the settings of which directly mirror the values set by tweaking the Sackbot itself. While this initial Behaviour cannot be deleted or moved, it can be duplicated, and the clones can be freely moved or deleted. Additional behaviour chips can be placed onto the Sackbot's circuit board from the Tools Bag, and can be used to change its behaviour on the fly. Only one Behaviour can be active at any given time; if more than one receives power, whichever one was activated most recently will take priority.


In most of the games where it appears, the Sackbot's default appearance is actually a costume that players can equip themselves. In LittleBigPlanet 2, the Sackbot costume can be unlocked by completing the final level in Story Mode, Into The Heart Of The Negativitron. It can also be obtained by placing a fresh Sackbot, tweaking its costume and using the Save Costume tool. This is the only way to obtain the Sackbot costume in LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, as it is not awarded as a prize in that game's Story Mode. In LittleBigPlanet Karting, while the Sackbot can be spawned in races by setting a Spawn Point's Player Type to "Player or Sackbot", there is no way to obtain its costume legitimately.

Sackbot Meshes As Objects Bug

Sackbot Meshes after being hearted and brought out as standard objects. The Sackboy decal has been resized for clarity, and the deviation from its original 2x2 Size is represented by the transparent Sticker Panel. In order: Sackboy; OddSock; Toggle (Big); Toggle (Small); Swoop.

The Sackbot Meshes menu from the Choose Creature Type tweak functions like a standard object menu, and thus allows you to heart these Meshes. These Meshes can then be loaded outside their menu as objects via the Personal Menu. When Sackboy is loaded, the object is a decal of his default model. When any other character is loaded, it loads a Sackbot set to that character type, but with the Sackbot costume applied to it. Due to the costume mismatch the model becomes extremely distorted. Unlike the standard Sackbot costume, these distorted versions cannot be saved directly via the Costume tweak, and can only be saved if the Mesh Sackbots are saved as custom characters and transformed into.
