Medal LittleBigPlanet 3.png

Swivel Light

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Swivel Light
Popit Icon
Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Type: Gameplay
Category: Decorative
In-Game Category: Lights
Outputs: 2
Obtained from: Start
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The Swivel Light is an advanced light object in LittleBigPlanet 3. It casts a spotlight that can be pointed in any direction — including towards and away from the screen.

Usage and Behaviour

The Swivel Light has two inputs: one on the left that controls its movement as it follows a target, and one on the bottom that adjusts the light's colour and brightness.


Tweak Base Tweaker Material Icon.png
Physical Properties: (
StaticStatic •‎

When Static, the object cannot be moved while time is unpaused. When Dynamic, the object can be moved and is subject to gravity.


Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Set Direction
Manually set the Swivel Light's orientation with Right stick. Left/Right to set the Yaw angle, Up/Down to set the Pitch angle.
Tweak Base Rotator LookAt Icon.png
Follow Tag or Character: (
Tweak Sensor Key.png •‎
NoneNone •‎

Determines whether the Swivel Light should face towards a Character, a Tag, or neither.


Tweak Item Select.png
Character to Detect: (Character; My Characters)
Choose a specific character for the sensor to detect. If no character is specified, anyone can activate it.
Tweak Sensor DetectForm Carousel.png
Detect Form: (
Both FormsBoth Forms •‎
Main Form OnlyMain Form Only •‎
Alternate Form OnlyAlternate Form Only

If the chosen character is a changeling, e.g. Toggle, this determines which form the sensor will detect.
UI Generic Checkbox.png
Select this to reset the chosen character to Sackboy.

Tag Type

Tweak Sensor Key.png
Tag Colour: (
Blue •‎
Purple •‎
Pink •‎
Red •‎
Yellow •‎
Lime •‎
Green •‎

Sets the colour channel for the gadget. Sensors will only detect Tags matching this colour.
Tweak Text Label.png
Select or Tweak a Tag Label
Opens a dialogue box to create a new Tag label, or select an existing one.

Search Range

Tweak Sensor MinimumRadius.png
Minimum Detection Range: (0.0 - 5,000.0)
Determines how close the target can get before the Swivel Light stops following them.
Tweak Sensor MaximumRadius.png
Maximum Detection Range: (0.0 - 5,000.0)
Determines how close the target needs to be for the Swivel Light to face them. Setting this below 0.0 will set the radius to infinite.
Tweak Sensor AngleRange.png
Trigger Angle Range: (0 - 360)
Sets the angle radius of the Swivel Light, with 360 being a full circle. Rotating the object changes the orientation of the detection range.
Tweak Sensor LayerRange.png
Layer Range: (0 - 16)
Determines how many layers the Swivel Light can detect its target from, with 0 being equivalent to Same Layer and 16 detecting them from any layer.


Tweak Movement Speed.png
Rotation Speed: (0 - 1,500)
Sets the speed at which the Swivel Light turns to face its target.
Tweak Connector Strength.png
Acceleration: (0% - 100%)
Sets how quickly the Swivel Light reaches its top rotation speed while targeting something.
Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Movement Input Action: (
On/OffOn/Off •‎
Speed ScaleSpeed Scale

Determines how the Swivel Light handles the signal it receives from its Movement Input.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OnOff.pngOn/Off
The Swivel Light tracks its target while receiving a digital ON signal, stopping in its tracks when turned OFF.
Tweak InputAction SpeedScale.pngSpeed Scale
The Swivel Light's rotation speed is scaled based on the incoming analogue signal, e.g. a signal strength of 50% cuts its speed in half.


Tweak Sensor Radius.png
Radius: (0.0 - 5000.0)
Sets how far the beam of light travels.
Tweak Global Lighting Fog.png
Foggyness: (0% - 400%)
Adjusts the density of the light beam without affecting how objects are lit.
Tweak Light High Beam.png
High Beam Mode: (
NoNo •‎

When enabled, a 2D beam of light is drawn to make the spotlight appear more intense. Note that this is not drawn if Foggyness is set to 0%.

Input Action

Tweak InputAction Carousel.png
Input Action: (
On/OffOn/Off •‎

Determines how the Swivel Light handles the signal it receives from its Light Input.
Tweak BehaviorSetting OnOff.pngOn/Off
The spotlight turns on when it receives power, switching off when it loses power.
Tweak InputAction StrengthScale.pngDimmer
The spotlight smoothly transitions between its two colour settings based on the incoming analogue signal.


Tweak Visual Visibility.png
Visible in Play Mode: (
NoNo •‎

Determines whether or not the object will be rendered in Play Mode. Any decorations attached to the light will remain visible regardless of this setting.