Electric Tool

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The Electric Tool makes an object crackle with lethal electricity.

Tool Usage

The Electric Tool can be used on any object or material in any layer, as long as it has a hitbox. Hover over the item you wish to lethalise, and press Cross button.
You can press Cross button again to unlethalise it, or use the Unlethalise Tool.


Player Contact

Zombie boy and the glowing variant.

When a player makes contact with the hazard, they will be electrocuted for a few seconds.

The player remain in place where they were electrocuted, and their skin will switch between their selected skin and a glowing variant of the ``Zombie Boy`` skin, ``electric_base_01.gmat``.

A bug is present in all games, where if the death animation is interrupted, the electric skin will remain applied to the player.
This can be achieved by using the Undo and Redo functions quickly in a level, or repeatedly dying on the hazard while pressing the Hover button.

Early Animation

An unused animation is present of Sackboy's eyes popping out when making contact with the hazard, which was used for an earlier variant of the hazard that had a longer death animation. The sounds for being electrocuted and the eyes popping are still present in the audio files for the game.


Audio Tweak (LBP2 Onwards)