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Sticker Cutter

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Sticker Cutter
Popit Function
Type: Material Tool
Games: LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, LittleBigPlanet 3

The Sticker Cutter is a Popit Function that cuts up Procedural Materials based on the Stickers that have been pasted onto them.

Tool Usage

When using the Sticker Cutter, hovering over a stickered material will display the outline of every Sticker on the object, previewing the shape(s) that will be generated when pressing Cross button. Any stickers whose outlines overlap will be merged into a single shape; if multiple sticker outlines exist, the material will be split into multiple objects, with each piece inheriting all of the stickers that were applied to the source.

Only stickers that are applied to the front of the material will be factored into the resulting shape; stickers applied to the sides will not be included. If a sticker is applied to the front face and spills over the side (or vice-versa), the resulting outline will be cropped at the material's boundaries. For example, if a circle sticker is placed on a material, but only one half is visible on the front face, the resulting shape will be a semi-circle.