Egg Hunt

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Egg Hunt
Level BadgeLevel BadgeLevel Badge Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet Karting
Location Monster Islands
Creator Ray the Wonder Turtle
Level type Side, score challenge
Prizes 28
Number of players 1
Prerequisite Podium finish on Huge Monster Rally

Imagine an alternate universe in which you and Huge Monster aren't BFFs. Instead, you're trying to grab her precious eggs and toss them into your target zone for only you know what reason.

Level description

Egg Hunt is a single player side level in LittleBigPlanet Karting. It is unlocked by finishing on the podium in Huge Monster Rally.


Overhead view of the Egg Hunt arena.

The level consists of a large egg shaped arena, with the target zone on one side, and Huge Monster on the other. Equipped with the Grabinators, the player must pick up Huge Monster's eggs and take them to the target zone. For every egg retrieved, the player receives 1,500 points and a time extension; they are also awarded prizes for reaching certain egg counts, with 21 being required for the level to count as Looted.

At the start of the game, there are seven eggs in predetermined spots: four in front of Huge Monster, and three more scattered around the arena (marked with red crosses). All subsequent eggs are spawned from Huge Monster, at a rate of about 9 seconds per egg. She also shoots fireballs from her mouth every 0.8 seconds; If the player gets hit by one they will be stunned for a few seconds, dropping whatever they're carrying.

While the minigame is endless in theory, there is a time limit of one minute; when it runs out, the level ends. Whenever an egg reaches the target zone, the time limit is extended by a few seconds, depending on how many eggs have been retrieved. The time bonus starts at +15 seconds per egg, but this decreases by 2 seconds for every six eggs collected, indicated by a message informing the player that Huge Monster is getting angry. This diminishing time bonus is where most of the challenge comes from; despite what the message claims, her behaviour never actually changes over time.

Logic Breakdown

Counting Eggs

Every egg in the level (including those emitted from Huge Monster) uses the same simple logic, contained in a Microchip found atop each egg. A Tag Sensor checks if a purple Tag (found underneath the target zone) enters its radius; when it does, it transmits a signal on the purple colour channel, and destroys itself after 0.5 seconds. It also transmits a blue signal whilst being held, but as there are no blue Receivers in the level, this effectively goes unused.

Time Limit

Time Bonus Cheat Sheet
Egg Range Intended Bonus Actual Average
0-5 +15s +15s
6-11 +13s +13s
12-17 +11s +11s
18-23 +9s +9s
24-29 +7s +7s
30-35 +5s +5s
36-41 +3s +6s
42-47 +1s +4s
48-53 +1s +4s

The logic for the countdown timer can be found in a Microchip above the target zone.

As mentioned above, whenever an egg is collected it transmits a purple signal, which is picked up by three Receivers. The first Receiver is wired into a Counter B to initiate the time bonus, as well as a Counter D to determine when it's time to switch time payouts. The other two Receivers get fed into Timers set to 0.1s and 0.2s respectively, both of which reset when reaching their target times. The first Receiver and the two Timers then get fed into an OR Gate, which sends a Negative signal to a Counter C with a Target Count of 10. This serves to buffer pending time bonuses; if one or more eggs enter the target zone while a bonus is being processed, the player will still receive the time they are owed for all the eggs deposited.

The time limit is controlled by a Counter A, which triggers a Game Ender when it reaches its Target Count of 60. A receives both Positive signals — incrementing it by 1 every second — and Negative signals whenever the player collects an egg, which decrement it by 1 every time a Timer N reaches its Target Time of 0.1s. N gets triggered when a Selector gets flipped to port 2 by B.

A 9-port Selector is used in combination with a series of AND Gates and Counters to determine which time bonus to award, with each of the nine Counters determining how many times N should pulse. When N pulses, it increments whichever Counter the Selector has activated, and when one of these Counters reaches its Target Count, it increments C by 1; if C is equal to 10, it resets B to signify that all queued bonuses have been processed.

D is connected to the Selector's Cycle input; when it reaches its Target Count of 6, it resets itself, cycles to the next time bonus, and displays a message on the HUD.

Due to the way LittleBigPlanet Karting processes logic, N can still pulse for a brief period after the time bonus is supposed to finish. This manifests as fluctuations from the intended time value when the Selector cycles, e.g. receiving +16 seconds when switching from port 1 to port 2. In the most extreme case, this results in the +1 second bonus (intended for the "end" of the level) awarding +4 seconds instead.

On the right is a table summarising the time bonuses and the egg ranges they occur in. It should be noted that because of how the Selector's Cycle function works, the time bonus will actually wrap back around to +15 seconds if the player somehow manages to collect 54 eggs.


To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do:
  • You get prizes at these egg thresholds: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21. Figure out which specific prizes you get at these intervals, and sort them accordingly.
  • Rip the decoration icons and put them here (don't use the LBP2 icons; they re-rendered some of them for this game).

This level has 28 prizes to collect. As mentioned above, these are earned by gathering a certain number of Huge Monster's eggs.

LBPK Gameplay Prize Bubble Render.png Prize Bubbles (28)
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngGeisha
Straight Whiskers
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngStraight Whiskers
Da Vinci Two-Story Tower
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngDa Vinci Two-Story Tower
Da Vinci Turret
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngDa Vinci Turret
Chalk Dotted Circle
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngChalk Dotted Circle
Japanese Pattern
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngJapanese Pattern
Black & Blue Tie
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngBlack & Blue Tie
Da Vinci One-Story Tower
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngDa Vinci One-Story Tower
Big Cute Eye
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngBig Cute Eye
Iridescent Flower
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngIridescent Flower
Umbrella Warning
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngUmbrella Warning
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngGrapes
Japanese Sun
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngJapanese Sun
Wooden Cog Wheel
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngWooden Cog Wheel
Decorative Iron Hinge
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngDecorative Iron Hinge
Cheese Wedge
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngCheese Wedge
Wooden Valve Wheel
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngWooden Valve Wheel
Two Arrows Warning
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngTwo Arrows Warning
Old-Fashioned Specs
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngOld-Fashioned Specs
Blue Mountain
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngBlue Mountain
Pink Microchip Motif
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngPink Microchip Motif
Classic Cobweb
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngClassic Cobweb
Wax Seal
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngWax Seal
Fragile Warning
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngFragile Warning
Bricks Doodle
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngBricks Doodle
Full Glass
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngFull Glass
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngHandkerchief
Pink Warrior Mask
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngPink Warrior Mask


In-game art
'Monster Islands'
by Richard Jacques
Instruction Text
In-game art
'Airbrushed (RAC Remix)'
by Anamanaguchi
Main level theme


This is a motorized Easter Egg Hunt. Find them, grab them and bring them back to base. (LAUGH) You’ll laugh at this: We asked for a cute little Easter Bunny in this race to help you, but they put a huge fire breathing monster in there instead. Typo of the century or what?

Narrator's pre-load commentary

Instruction Text

Imagine an alternate universe in which you and Huge Monster aren’t best friends!
Press the L1 button button to grab her eggs and toss them into the target zone to keep the clock running!
You have to put away 21 Eggs to win all the prizes! It’s your lucky number!
