Don't Go Baking My Kart

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Don't Go Baking My Kart
Level BadgeLevel BadgeLevel Badge Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet Karting
Location Victoria's Laboratory
Creator Vernon the Lab Rat
Level type Side, survival
Number of players 1
Prerequisite Podium finish on Sugar Rush

Victoria always says, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of my oven."
Jump over incoming desserts by pressing the R1 button button or the Cross button button.

Level description

Don't Go Baking My Kart is a single player survival challenge in LittleBigPlanet Karting. It is unlocked by finishing on the podium in Sugar Rush.


The level is played from a side view, as the player drives a cupcake kart on a conveyor belt trying to avoid being roasted in the furnace, while dodging the cakes barreling towards them.

The challenge is very simple: jump over any cakes on the ground, while driving underneath any that fly through the air. The cakes move to the left at a steady pace to start with, but gradually speed up the longer the player survives. Touching any part of a cake (including landing on top of, or jumping into the underside of one) instantly kills the player, ending the level. There are no prizes to be earned for reaching certain score thresholds; it is purely a test of endurance.


In-game art
'Shooby Shooby Do Yah!'
by Mocean Worker


Sometimes, when you're really enjoying a game, those pesky time-flies start gadding around, don't they? And it’s over before it’s begun, or so it seems. Well not with this particular mini-game, it’s never ending. Yes, The Mobius March is an infinitely prolonged game you can dip in and out of whenever you wish. Pit your scores against those of gamers the globe over. Remember, the Imagisphere encompasses your entire big, beautiful planet, making it littler. A LittleBigPlanet, if you like.

Narrator's pre-load commentary

Instruction Text

Oh No! Vernon the Lab Rat has lost control of the Cake-o-Matic!
Jump the cakes before they push you into the roaring furnace!
