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Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.

Frequently Asked Questions

We don't know what kind of questions people ask the most yet, but this will be updated. Feel free to ask questions in the Discord server's wiki chat for help!

Below is a list of questions pertaining to the current, very barebones wiki...

General Rules

How do I get started?

We don't have a lot of rules and help written up yet, so if you want to learn how to write MediaWiki articles you should check the official site.

What kind of content can I add to the wiki?

Generally, as long as the content pertains to the LittleBigPlanet franchise, you can make any page you would like. If you're having second-thoughts about writing a page, ask in the Discord server.

I'd like to upload files to the wiki

What kind of files can I upload?

For now, try to limit your uploads to images; while we will allow uploads of other filetypes in the future, images are all we need right now.

I'm looking to upload an Image, but I'm not sure what to name it

If you're looking for image naming conventions, check the Images help page.

Is there anything I shouldn't add?

- Short Articles

It's preferred that you don't write extremely short articles; those are known as Stubs. Make sure you have something to write about before you start working on a page!

- Misinformation/Inexperience

If you don't know every detail about something, that's fine! Someone else can come around to add more information. However, if you're writing something without evidence, or proper knowledge of the subject, make sure you get to know the material before you start writing.

- Plagiarism

Very obviously, do not plagiarize articles or steal images from other wikis or websites. While all content added to this site is user-contributed, plagiarism is still illegal, and not tolerated. However, you can source content from another site as long as you provide a link to it in the page's source (unlike a certain wiki I know...)

I want to write articles, but I don't know what to write!

- Story Levels

If you're looking for a reference, the best story level articles at the moment are PSP's The Introduction and the original LittleBigPlanet's First Steps.

- Popit Tools

The best popit tool article at the moment is the Popit Cursor.

- Gameplay Tools

The best gameplay tool article at the moment is the Tag.