Template talk:GadgetBob

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Proposal: Render as Main Image

There's been some discussion on Discord about this, but I figured I'd put a proposal here where it's easy to access. A few people have suggested that we should switch to using model renders for GadgetBobs, the main argument for this concerns specific edge cases where the Popit icon is not representative of the gadget's in-game appearance (see: Circuit Node, Paintball, Saddle), but this would also help provide visuals for subjects where an inventory icon does not exist (see: Tutorial Impeller, or anything from SABA). There are two main things we'd need to address before comitting to this, however:

  1. We need to actually have appropriate renders for every gadget that we know about. We do have a decent collection of renders, but it doesn't cover everything from the retail version of LBP2 (or subsequent games).
  2. What do we do about the Popit icons if we're "replacing" them with renders? Personally speaking, I like how the Minecraft Wiki handles this; model renders are used for the main image, while any inventory icons associated with it are displayed just below it.

Would like to hear people's thoughts on this. --Chunky104 (talk) 09:32, 5 July 2024 (UTC)