Team Versus Game Mode

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Nothing rude though, no images of horses in bikinis, for example.
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Further details: Get images of the UI in this game mode.
> Document Team Ownership in prototypes.
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do:
> Possibly move ownership to its own page, or on the Signals page as a subsection; it's hard to determine where to put it.

Team Versus is an unfinished scrapped Game Mode from LittleBigPlanet 2 that predates the final Versus Mode. The mode is replaced in LittleBigPlanet 3 by another unused game mode referred to as Club House, that was intended for the pod.


The goal of Team Versus Mode is to score more points than the other Team.

Teams are automatically assigned when players are loaded in, based on the number of players.

  • Player 1 will always be assigned to the Red Team
  • Player 2 will always be assigned to the Blue Team
  • Player 3 will always be assigned to the Red Team
  • Player 4 will always be assigned to the Blue Team

Functions leftover suggest that choosing teams was optional at some point, but never included as a global setting or switch setting.


Killing Other Players

Killing other players will award the killer's team points.

Score Givers

Activating a score giver will award points to the owning player's team.

Team Score Includes Player Scores

If Team Versus Mode is active, an unlabeled toggle setting will appear under the global settings page for Game Mode, being exclusive to Team Versus Mode and set to Yes by default.

The setting is called Team Score Includes Player Scores internally, and when set to Yes will mean that any score givers in the level will award to the team of the player, rather than just the player themselves. If the setting is set to No, score givers in the level will only award to the player themselves, and not the team they are part of.

Since player scores outside of their team won't be counted towards anything when in Team Versus Mode, this setting was likely more functional when it was first added in prototypes of the game.

Score Sensors

Score sensors are entirely nonfunctional in Team Versus Mode, but unused code suggests that team-specific score sensing was planned.


Many items in the game are coded to have Team Ownership tweaks built into them, but as the game was updated many of the settings were either replaced or removed.


Signals from sensors and switches will always have team ownership built into them, meaning that anything activated with a team-owned signal will take on the ownership of that team.

Assign Ownership Gadget

An unused Ownership Tweaker exists in very early prototypes of the game that would have set the ownership of any object it was attached to, and was likely intended for usage with Team Versus Mode.


Any object lethalized with the Plasma Tool will not harm players that own it in Team Versus Mode. This means that players can walk on or through any lethal objects they own with the hazard attached, but won't be able to jump on surfaces with the hazard attached.

Danger Tweaker

Any Danger Tweaker activated by a player will take on ownership, but will have it removed when it stops being activated. This can be used as a substitute for the scrapped Ownership Tweaker.


Checkpoints have a built in ownership tweaks, and will change the color of the light around the checkpoint to match their owner. Players that don't own the checkpoints won't be able to spawn from them.


Powerups have a built in ownership tweak that will allow them to only be collected by the player that owns their attached object.

Bounce Pads

Bounce Pads were intended to have ownership settings, changing their light color to match their owner and only being activated by their owner. This setting was vwhen manual bounce pads were added in the Move Pack update.


Controlinators were intended to have ownership tweaks, being only useable by owning players. This setting was overwritten by the "Player Settings" added in the Cross-Controller update, meaning they can only be used by everyone or the lead player.


All switches that carried player ownership were intended to have ownership tweaks, but the majority of them that used it had it overwritten or broken by other settings. The Grab Sensor had its settings broken with the motion controller tweaks added in the Move Pack update, and many switches had their settings overwritten with the "Player Settings" added in the Cross-Controller update.

The only switches that kept their ownership settings in the final release of the game are the Button, Tag Sensor, Paintinator Sensor, and Projectile Sensor.


Sackbots will carry ownership of the team that owns them.