Medal LittleBigPlanet Karting.png

Breadcrumbs Tool

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Popit Function
Type: Edit Track
Game: LittleBigPlanet Karting

Breadcrumbs are invisible markers that are used to create paths away from the main track that drivers and seeking weapons can follow without being automatically reset.

Tool Usage

When selecting the Breadcrumbs Tool, the cursor conforms to the track layout, and the creator can scrub along it by pushing Left stick up and down. Pressing Cross button places the start of a trail and frees the cursor from the track. As the creator moves the cursor around, a trail of blue markers is automatically created. Left stick. The creator can resize the cursor with Up or Down buttons, though this will not be reflected until the next marker gets placed.

When rejoining the track, all of the markers turn green; pressing Cross button at this point will end the trail and commit it into the scene. If the resulting Breadcrumb trail ends behind where it started, the direction of the trail will be flipped when committed.

While a Breadcrumb trail can take on any shape between two points on a track, it cannot overlap itself; attempting to do so will turn all the markers red, forcing the user to back out and recreate the trail.

The Breadcrumb cursor cannot be scrubbed onto a Branch on its own, however, if another Track Edit tool is used to move the cursor onto one, the Breadcrumb cursor can be used on a Branch.

As Breadcrumbs are not visible in Play Mode or Test Drive, it is advised to mark trails that players are intended to drive through using props, terrain materials, or some other visual indicator.

Edit Existing Trail

Pressing Square button whilst the tool is selected allows the creator to edit an existing Breadcrumb trail; use Left stick to move the cursor anywhere on the track, and Cross button to select a highlighted Breadcrumb.

When editing a Breadcrumb, Left or Right buttons shifts the marker left or right relative to the following/preceding markers, while Up or Down buttons resizes it. The creator can also raise or lower the currently selected marker with R2 button and L2 button respectively. Pushing Left stick up or down switches to the next or previous marker in the trail. Pressing Triangle button deletes the trail entirely.


Breadcrumb - Red

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Breadcrumb - Green

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg

Breadcrumb - Blue

Tweak Generic Arrow Lesser.svg Tweak Generic Arrow Greater.svg