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Metal Gear Solid - VR Survival Challenge

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VR Survival Challenge
Level BadgeLevel BadgeLevel Badge Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet
Location Metal Gear Solid Pack
Creator Media Molecule
Level type Side, survival challenge
Number of players 1-4
Prerequisite Level Key in Act 4: The Level Factory
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VR Survival Challenge is a survival challenge side level in the Metal Gear Solid Pack for the original LittleBigPlanet. It is unlocked by collecting the Level Key at the end of Act 4: The Level Factory.


Icon Name Description
Custom Toy DLC MGS VR Survival Turret.png VR Survival Turret*

Stationary turret that wobbles back and forth, and shoots plasma bullets on a regular interval.
The rate of fire increases the longer the player survives, up to a maximum of 0.7s per shot.
Has an unprotected brain; it is normally off-screen and out of reach, but can be destroyed remotely by hitting the turret with 3 paintballs.

Custom Toy DLC MGS VR Survival Walker.png VR Survival Walker*

Round, electrified creature with four legs that follows the player. Will jump every 4 seconds if two of its legs are touching the ground.
Has a protected brain; takes 3 paintballs to destroy.

* Enemy name is conjectural, as no official name is available.


Otacon Welcome to the VR Survival Challenge. Shoot the targets and survive as long as you can. Shoot the red button to begin!


In-game art
MGS2 'Yell "Dead Cell" (VR remix)'
by Kojima Productions Sounds

Related Achievements

LBP1Trophy VirtualSurvivor.png
Silver trophy Virtual Survivor
Achieve a score of 3,750 in the VR Survival Challenge