The Gravity of the Situation

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The Gravity of the Situation
Level BadgeLevel BadgeLevel Badge Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet 2
Location Toy Story Level Kit
Creator Media Molecule
Level type Main, co-operative
Number of players 1-4
Prerequisite Complete Welcome to Toy Town
Level Chronology
Welcome to Toy TownWelcome to Toy TownLevel Badge Overlay.png
Welcome to Toy Town Escape from Planet Z
Escape from Planet ZEscape from Planet ZLevel Badge Overlay.png
Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.

After Porkchop's devastating attack, Star Command's gravity controller is on the fritz. Sackboy needs to keep his wits about him as he makes his way through the space station. But with the malevolent pink menace hovering above the space station, yet another disaster may be on the cards...

Level description


Buzz Lightyear We've made it Sack Thing! But... wait a second... something's not right.

Buzz Lightyear Blast! That dastardly Dr. Porkchop has damaged Star Command's gravity controller! Try jumping when the lights are off and you'll see what I mean.

Dr. Porkchop Star Command is becoming a real irritation. It's about time I applied some...

Dr. Porkchop Oinkment!

Dr. Porkchop MUAHAHAHA!