Russian Theatre

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Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do: Include more details for the assets from this theme.
Also include the diffuse texture of the collage material as well as a translation of the text provided.


Russian Theatre was a scrapped theme intended for the original LittleBigPlanet. It was based around more traditional Russian elements than The Wilderness, combined with circus themes like clowns, circus animals, and other elements.


Repurposed Assets

The majority of the assets for this theme were cut from the game, save for a few.

Three materials from the theme survived, the knitted fabric material (which was put in the Metropolis), the newspaper collage material (which was put in the Wilderness), and the red-painted wood material (which was first put in the Seaside, then moved to the Canyons).

The newspaper collage material in question actually features circus posters instead of newspapers; translating the text on the diffuse texture reveals that they reference various Russian circuses.

The ringmaster costume was split up and awarded for Savannah levels, and the Russian lady costume set was awarded in wilderness levels.

The few stickers remaining for this theme were included as part of the wilderness stickers.

The area's interactive music was released with the Monster Kit DLC as 'Party Ghouls' IntMusic.

Concept Art


A single piece of concept art for Russian Theatre was included in the game as a sticker; "The Circus Concept".

No larger image of this concept art has been found, but it appears to feature a mockup of a simple level using several stickers from the theme, various animals, some platforming sections, and several sackboys traversing the level.

Sticker Concept Circus.png

Background Painting

A concept for the background in very early development; some motifs are present as well.

Concept RussianTheatre Background Painting.jpg

Gameplay Sections

Some concepts for level sections were found and uploaded to Media Molecule's Website on July 24, 2014.

One of the gameplay sections featured appears to be an early version of the giant wheel featured in The Bunker.

Concept RussianTheatre Gameplay Wheel.jpg

Another sketch is included in the post; this one includes a giant "Test Your Strength" attraction as a platforming section.

Concept RussianTheatre Gameplay StrengthTest.jpg