News:Contents/Imagisphere Recap Sept 2024

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Imagisphere Recap 2024

Page Banner Share Players.png Imagisphere Recap 2024 - September 14, 2024

Over the past several months, a lot has changed for Imagisphere, but we haven't had any major news stories during that time.
This article covers a list of all the recent changes for both the Wiki and our Community.

Imagisphere Wiki Updates:
UI Screen Menu EULA.png We've reached over 600+ Articles!
Thanks to our amazing wiki members, we've more than doubled the original 285 articles that were present when the wiki first launched publicly this year!
This number is just over half the number of articles that are currently present on the Fandom Wiki, so let's aim to surpass 1,200 articles!
One of the highlights of our new pages:
UI Pod Level Seal.png All LittleBigPlanet PSP Levels are now documented!
Thanks to Cancerious and some other wiki members, every level in LittleBigPlanet PSP has its own article, including full lists of prizes, dialogue, and level descriptions!
This is the third game to have prizes finished, alongside the original LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.
UI Pod Social PatchNotes.png Site Improvements
UI Network Online Friends.png New Rules Page:
If you haven't already, please make sure you've read our wiki's Rules and Guidelines!
Also make sure to check out the rest of the Help section for helpful resources when you get a chance.
UI Pod Social Review.png Dark Mode:
A new Dark Mode style has been fully implemented into the site!
This feature is currently only available to logged in wiki members, but there are plans to make it available to all site visitors in the future.
If you want to change to dark mode as a wiki user, head on over to your Preferences section, and change your skin!
Tweak Gameplay GameMode Social.png Interface Images:
The site now features popit-styled Interface Images as part of its design!
UI Pod Level CreatorVideo.png User Pages:
Some changes have been made to User Pages that allow for better customization.
Now wiki members will be automatically be assigned a user page from a Template when they log into the wiki, provided they don't already have a user page created.
Your default user page will have some common shared features that are present for all user pages, and some comments about how to customize them.
Users are also allowed to upload an image of their own to use as a polaroid, or select any other image on the site.
There's a list of default user-polaroids in the Personal Images category, alongside other users' polaroid images.
Be sure to check out the new user page format, and if you decide to add a personal image please check the Personal Image Guidlines!
UI Network Online Earth.png What's next for the Wiki?
UI Pod Social Stream.png Current Goals
We still have a lot to get done for the wiki, so if you're willing to pitch in it would be appreciated!
Currently we're looking to focus on the following areas for new articles:
Character Pages: Curators, story characters, side characters, and others still need pages!
Levels: While we have most of the levels out of the way, we still need to finish up LittleBigPlanet 2 and LittleBigPlanet 3 levels!
Tools Bag: We have some information on tools bag items, but it's not all there yet..
UI Pod Store WishList.png Wiki Suggestions
If you have any ideas for improvements to the wiki, or have any other cool things you'd like to suggest, check out the #wiki-suggestions channel in our Discord Server!
We're always looking for more people that are willing to contribute!
Prototype Releases:
UI Screen Settings VHS.png Are there any new Releases?
UI Pod Store CartFull.png LittleBigPlanet™ Development Documents
Thanks to the help of Fawao and some very courteous people in the community, we have released multiple internal documents that were used for the original LittleBigPlanet.
These documents are dated from 2006 to 2007 and contain a lot of cool concept art, showcasing a walkthrough of ideas that they had in mind for the game.
Some of the content from these documents has already been put on the wiki, but if you'd like to help be sure to check them out!
You can find the release of these documents on the Internet Archive.
UI Pod Store CartSingle.png Upcoming Releases
We're still actively working on archiving LBP content that will be released once it's fully archived.
We can't disclose everything we're working towards yet, but among the releases in progress is a copy of the internal developer soundtrack, which we're currently ripping, as well as some promotional cards with previously unseen development images.
UI Pod Store CartEmpty.png Contributing to Releases
If you have any information about potential LittleBigPlanet prototypes, promotional material, lost media, or anything along those lines, please reach out to us!
We're trying to preserve everything we can for this series, so anything you can contribute is appreciated!
Imagisphere Discord Server Updates:
UI Screen ControllerPrompt Shake.png Channel Updates
UI Pod Personal HeartedCreators.png Prototype Releases Channel
We ended up retiring the old proto-releases channel, and we now have a new forum-based #proto-releases channel.
This channel includes tags to sort prototypes, and each prototype post includes links to release pages and wiki articles on them. Be sure to check it out!
UI Pod Personal HeartedCreators.png Polls Channel
We now have a #polls channel!
It's always neat to see the what the community thinks on certain topics; this channel features polls on community opinions, and allows you to vote on them!
If you have any ideas for polls you'd like to see, you can suggest some in the Poll Suggestions thread.
UI Pod Personal HeartedLevels.png Wiki Update Icons
The #updates channel has been improved, with update messages now using popit-styled icons.