Help:Contents/Rules and Guidelines

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LBP1Trophy JustBeginning.png Rules & Guidelines

So, you've taken the plunge and decided to contribute to the Imagisphere Wiki
Before you start, there are some guidelines you'll need to keep in mind!

The Imagisphere Knowledge Base is a wiki dedicated to documenting the entire LittleBigPlanet Franchise, encompassing both general and technical information.
As we're still growing, we're always happy to have more members that are willing to contribute, so feel free to hop right in!
If you engage in any of the behavior below, a staff member may contact you, and depending on the severity you may have restricted editing access for a period of time.
  • Disrespecting Others
Please respect other wiki members! If we see that you're engaging in edit wars - (purposefully removing content from other users) then you might have your editing restricted, depending on the content of the edits.
This applies to how you engage with other members on talk pages as well!
  • Not contributing
As much as we want this wiki to be a place to share yourself, we want it to be a place to share information as well.
If you join only to create and decorate a user page, you may have your access to edit your user page restricted.
  • Plagarism
We want to keep this wiki free from plagiarism - should it be noticed that you are copying content without proper references, or copying content directly from other wikis, the contributions will be removed. Plagiarism is a serious issue and could get our wiki in trouble.
  • Messy Editing
If we see that you're doing messy editing - be it inserting gibberish, falsifying information, including non-lbp related information, or spamming edits, all of these actions can result in disciplinary action.
Listen to Staff
If you notice a staff member has made an edit on something you've made, don't panic! Staff members are regular contributors to the wiki too!
Pay attention to staff edits - should a member of staff edit a filename of something you've uploaded, or delete a file, keep their edits in mind, as they're likely following conventions across the wiki.
Don't be disheartened to contribute if you receive a staff edit though! This wiki is a group collaboration, and everyone is working and learning together to make it the best wiki we can!
Getting Banned
If your account in our Discord Server gets banned, your account here will be banned as well; if your ban in the Discord Server is removed, the ban on the Wiki will be removed too.
Below are a list of reasons an account can also be permanently banned from the wiki
  • Inserting Offensive Content
If you insert offensive content of any kind into our wiki, it will result in a permanent ban.
  • Account Impersonation
If you make an account to impersonate someone else, it will result in the account being permanently banned.
  • Abusing multiple accounts
If you make multiple accounts, either to circumvent a ban or for other reasons, it will result in all of the accounts being permanently banned.