Flame Tool

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The Flame Tool makes an object burn with lethal flames.

Tool Usage

The Flame Tool can be used on any object or material in any layer, as long as it has a hitbox. Hover over the item you wish to lethalise, and press Cross button.
You can press Cross button again to unlethalise it, or use the Unlethalise Tool.



When a player makes contact with the hazard, they will be burned.

The player will bounce off in a direction opposite of where they made contact with the hazard, carrying any previous momentum.

If two burns are sustained within the timeframe that it takes to play the burn animation, (about 1.2 seconds) the player will be killed on the second burn.

This applies even after the player has died and respawned, so being burned within the timeframe of the previous burn will kill the player instantly.

Burn Location

Sackboy will have a different reaction depending on where the player makes contact with the flames.

Being burned on the lower half of the body will spawn fire particles at Sackboy's feet, and Sackboy will play a stomping animation.

Being burned on the upper half of the body will spawn fire particles at Sackboy's head, and Sackboy will play a fanning animation.

In early footage, it can be seen that being burned on the upper half of the body will stun Sackboy, playing an animation of Sackboy falling over and causing a short period where Sackboy can't move.

Powerup Removal (LBP1 Only)

If a player touches the hazard while they have a powerup equipped, the powerup will be removed. This only applies in the first game, and was removed in subsequent games, breaking existing levels that took advantage of the property.

Powerup removal does not apply to the Scuba Gear powerup.


In a level with Global Water, the hazard can be doused.

When the entire hitbox of the hazard is submerged in water, the item will be doused, turning back to a non-lethal state.

The hazard will still be applied if only part of the hitbox is submerged in water.


Audio Tweak (LBP2 Onwards)
Visuals (LBP3 Only)