SpongeBob SquarePants Premium Level Kit

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SpongeBob SquarePants™ Premium Level Kit
Game: LittleBigPlanet 3
Regions: Europe, America, Asia, Japan
Content Type: Level Pack
Levels: 5


Hub Level
Bikini Bottom
Bikini BottomBikini BottomLevel Badge Overlay.png

Main Levels (4)
Jellyfish Fields
Jellyfish FieldsJellyfish FieldsLevel Badge Overlay.png
The Chum Bucket
The Chum BucketThe Chum BucketLevel Badge Overlay.png
The Flying Dutchman
The Flying DutchmanThe Flying DutchmanLevel Badge Overlay.png
The Krusty Krab
The Krusty KrabThe Krusty KrabLevel Badge Overlay.png