Alpine Run

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Alpine Run
PolaroidPolaroid Overlay.png
Game LittleBigPlanet
Creator Clock Hans
Levels 5
Prizes 139
Theme Chronology
Golden SandsPolaroid Overlay.png
Golden Sands Tinsel Town
Tinsel TownPolaroid Overlay.png


Main Path (3)
Mountin' Excitement
Mountin' ExcitementMountin' ExcitementBlank.png
Peak Performance
Peak PerformancePeak PerformanceBlank.png
Dogged Determination
Dogged DeterminationDogged DeterminationBlank.png

Survival Challenge
Roque n Roller
Roque n RollerRoque n RollerBlank.png

Score Challenge
Off Piste
Off PisteOff PisteBlank.png


Clock Hans the master watchmaker needs help rounding up his kids; Little Hans, Second Hans, and Big Hans. They’re out there somewhere, lost in the snowy mountains… it looks a bit chilly.

Theme description on[1]


  1. Alpine Run - (archive)