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Tweak Speech Voice Temp.png
Tweak name: (
NoNo •‎

Tweak description

Use this template on gadget pages to add information about the available tweaks on offer.


|icon=		  Filename for the tweak's icon. (e.g. Trophy.png)
|imgclass=    Applies a CSS class to the chosen image. If omitted or left blank, "invert" will be applied by default so that black images appear white in dark mode. If your chosen image looks wrong in dark mode, or you don't want any CSS class applied, just type "imgclass=n"
|name=		  The tweak's in-game name.
|params=	  Available parameters for the tweak, or the range of possible values.
|desc=		  Use this to provide a brief description of the tweak's functionality.

See Also

Pages that use this template