
From Imagisphere
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Bubble.png Prize Bubbles (1)
'The Battle on the Ice'
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.png'The Battle on the Ice'
'The Battle on the Ice'
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.png'The Battle on the Ice'

Medal Finished.png Level Complete Gifts (3)
The Collector Boss
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector Boss
The Collector's Pod
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector's Pod
The Collector
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector
The Collector Boss
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector Boss
The Collector's Pod
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector's Pod
The Collector
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngThe Collector

Medal Ace.png Aced Level Gifts (1)
Yellow Head
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngYellow Head
Yellow Head
Tweak Sensor ItemBubble.pngYellow Head


Time saving template for level pages with prizes; also expands and changes the content to fit on mobile.


  • bubbles-count: Number of Prize Bubbles.
  • bubbles-list: List of Prize Bubbles.
  • sub1-count: Number of Prize Bubbles in the first sub-level.
  • sub1-list: List of Prize Bubbles in the first sub-level.
  • sub2-count: Number of Prize Bubbles in the second sub-level.
  • sub2-list: List of Prize Bubbles in the second sub-level.
  • completed-count: Number of Completed Gifts.
  • completed-list: List of Completed Gifts.
  • collected-count: Number of Collected All Gifts.
  • collected-list: List of Collected All Gifts.
  • aced-count: Number of Aced Gifts.
  • aced-list: List of Aced Gifts.
  • starred-count: Number of Starred Gifts. (LBPK only)
  • starred-list: List of Prize Bubbles. (LBPK only)
  • bronze-score: Required score/time for Bronze.
  • bronze-count: Number of Bronze Gifts.
  • bronze-list: List of Bronze Gifts.
  • silver-score: Required score/time for Silver.
  • silver-count: Number of Silver Gifts.
  • silver-list: List of Silver Gifts.
  • gold-score: Required score/time for Gold.
  • gold-count: Number of Gold Gifts.
  • gold-list: List of Gold Gifts.
  • type: Adjusts the bronze, silver and gold parameters based on which game the level is from, and the conditions required.
    • lbpk: The level is from LBPK. Placement medals (3rd, 2nd and 1st) are assigned to bronze, silver and gold respectively.
    • vita: The level is from LBP Vita. Skill Reward Stars are assigned to bronze, silver and gold.
    • saba: The level is from SABA. Trophy scores are assigned to bronze, silver and gold.
    • saba-time: The level is a timed challenge from SABA (e.g. Knitted Knight Trial). Trophy times are assigned to bronze, silver and gold.


{{ItemBubble|image=Music_Fixed_Russia_Snow_Icon.png|text='The Battle on the Ice'}}
{{ItemBubble|image=Toy_Russia_Snow_Collector_Boss_Icon.png|text=The Collector Boss}}
{{ItemBubble|image=Toy_Russia_Snow_Collector_Pod_Icon.png|text=The Collector's Pod}}
{{ItemBubble|image=Toy_Russia_Snow_Collector_Icon.png|text=The Collector}}
{{ItemBubble|image=Costume_Unthemed_Torso_Yellow_Head_Icon.png|text=Yellow Head}}

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