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Message template
Use the 'text' attribute to change what this message says! Consider fiddling with the other attributes to further customise it!

A handy little message box template. This makes it easier to create a bunch of other templates and messages that appear throughout the site, etc. Probably shouldn't be used on its own outside userpages.


|text      =     Text to display in the box.
|image     =     Image to display in the box. (1:1 aspect ratio, resized to 64x64 by default, file name only; e.g. File:Placeholder.png would be Placeholder.png only.
|imgwidth  =     Image width in pixels. Generally you'll want to keep this at 64.
|caption   =     Sets a caption to display when hovering the cursor over the image.
|border    =     Border color.
|background=     Background color.
|color     =     Text color.
|width     =     Sets how much horizontal space the message will use up. Defaults to 100%.
|min-width =     Minimum width to put the picture in
|pic-align =     Use left, right, or center to change the picture's alignment. This defaults to center.

Pages that use this template