James Spafford

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James Spafford, simply known as Spaff, was one of the first Community Managers alongside Tom Kiss. Both worked on the LittleBIGPlanetoid fan site before joining Media Molecule on April 2nd, 2009.



Before being invited to join Media Molecule, Spaff worked on LittleBIGPlanetoid, a fan site for LittleBigPlanet. Here he wrote most of the articles covering news and updates about the game.

April 2nd has arrived, and with it the truth, no more fooling – I’m simultaneously happy and sorry to say that it is all true: This site will be ‘closing down’ and we really do have jobs at Media Molecule.[1]

James Spafford

Media Molecule Blog Articles

Spaff wrote many of the blog articles for the Media Molecule website,[2] sharing news and other information.


  1. littlebigplanetoid.com - The Aftermath: It's all true
  2. mediamolecule.com - James Spafford