Help:Contents/Editing Help

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Safety first!
This page is a work in progress. As a result, the layout and/or content herein may be subject to change.

Wiki Markup

The following information will help you edit pages on the wiki!

Formatting Text


To add headings, we encase text in equal signs ==, and add more for each heading level, like so:
=Heading 1=
==Heading 2==
===Heading 3===
====Heading 4====
=====Heading 5=====
======Heading 6======


Unordered Lists

To add an unordered list, we place asterisks * before each list item, and add more for each heading level, like so:
*List Header
**List Item 1
**List Item 2
**List Item 3

  • List Header
    • List Item 1
    • List Item 2
    • List Item 3

Ordered Lists

To add an ordered list, we place number signs # before each list item, and add more for each heading level, like so:
#List Header
##List Item 1
##List Item 2
##List Item 3

  1. List Header
    1. List Item 1
    2. List Item 2
    3. List Item 3

Text Colors


To add text colors, encase your text in a span element <span>, and then give it a class, like so:
<span class="text-yellow">This is Yellow Text</span>
This is Yellow Text


Or alternatively, give a style, like so:
<span style="color:#f11">This is Colored Text</span>
This is Colored Text

Color List

Below is a list of available text color classes:

text-red:       Red Text, as it appears in LittleBigPlanet's UI
text-yellow:    Yellow Text, as it appears in LittleBigPlanet's UI



To add a break, simply add <br> after some text.


To display code, we encase text in <code>, like so:
<code>Code Text</code>
Code Text


To display preformatted text, we encase text in <pre>, like so:
<pre>Preformatted Text</pre>

Preformatted Text

No Formatting

To display symbols that are used for wiki formatting, we encase text in <nowiki>, like so:

Formatting Images

Basic Image Display



Image Colors

Invert Class

To give an image support for Dark Mode, give it the invert class, like so:
UI Popit Item Heart.png

This will make the image appear black in Light Mode, and white in Dark Mode.

Color Classes

To tint an image, give it a image class, like so:
UI Popit Item Heart.png

Color List

Below is a list of available image color classes:

image-black:       Black 
image-white:       White 
image-red:         Red 
image-yellow:      Yellow 
image-green:       Green 
image-cyan:        Cyan 
image-blue:        Blue 
image-magenta:     Magenta 
key-blue:          Blue Tag Color
key-purple:        Purple Tag Color
key-pink:          Pink Tag Color
key-red:           Red Tag Color
key-yellow:        Yellow Tag Color
key-lime:          Lime Tag Color
key-green:         Green Tag Color
key-cyan:          Cyan Tag Color


Wiki Pages


To link to another page on the wiki, we encase the page name in double square brackets [[]], like so:

Alt Text

Alt text can be added to the link with a vertical bar |, like so:

External Sites

To link to an external site, we encase the page name in single square brackets [], and then add a space for the site name, like so:
[ #account-requests]



To add a Category to a page, we use double square brackets [[]] and preface it with Category:
[[Category:Help Pages]]

The category will now appear at the bottom of the page, and the page will appear in a list for that category.


Adding a vertical bar | to the category will sort it into that page based on the letter order; A will make it appear under A, B will make it appear under B, and so on.
[[Category:Help Pages|A]]


To link to a category, simply preface it with a colon :, and adding a vertical bar | will add alt text:
[[:Category:Help Pages|Help Pages]]
Help Pages