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Nothing rude though, no images of horses in bikinis, for example.
This page or section could benefit from more images. You can help by uploading an image or two, and including them on the page.
Further details: Get images to showcase some of the more confusing features to understand (mapping modes, subdivision, cutoff angle, spongy, etc)
To do: think of something mildly witty to put in here.
To do: Explain some of the components in more detail, maybe grab internal data from the generation to explain how it works


The Bevel filetype is used to determine unique generation for LittleBigPlanet's Procedural Material system, which can allow for multiple materials and unique effects.


GFX Materials

The materials field is a list of Gmat files used for the bevel. The first material in the list will be replaced by whatever the main current gmat for the material is. If a slot is left blank, loading the index for that material will load nothing, which is used in some cases to make unique vertex positions.

UV Scales

The UVScales field is a list of float values for each of the gmats, which scale the size of each of the materials.

AutoSmooth Cutoff Angle

The autoSmoothCutoffAngle field is a float that determines at what angle (0.0 to 360.0) that the generation will begin rounding corners.


The vertices field is an array of the bevel's vertexes.

Vertexes are generated from the back of the shape to the front, with the last vertex being the front face. This also means that the face for a vertex is created from the previous vertex.

Y Position

The y field is a float that determines the position of the vertex facing away from a vertex of the material's bounding box. At 0.0, it aligns with the bounding box, with values below 0.0 being on the inside of the bounding box and values above 0.0 being on the outside.

Z Position

The z field is a float that determines the in/out position of the vertex relative to the material's bounding box. At 1.0, the vertex will be at the front of the bounding box, and at -1.0 the vertex will be at the back of the bounding box. Values inbetween are quadratic instead of linear; values 0.5 and above will be very close to the edge of the bounding box, while values closer to 0.0 will be near the center.


The rigidity field is a float that was intended for the removed soft physics option for materials; at 0.0 the vertex will be fully soft, and at 1.0 the vertex will be fully rigid.

Smooth with Previous

The smoothWithPrevious field is a bool that determines if the current vertex will map smoothly with the previous one; smooth vertexes will use the same UVs and have smooth normals, while non-smooth vertexes will have a visible seam and unique UV mapping.

Gmat Slot

The gmatSlot field for vertexes determines which gmat (0-3) is used from the list of materials.

Mapping Mode

The mappingMode field is used to determine the UVs for the current vertex.


Mapping mode DAVE is the standard mapping mode for procedural mesh generation; it was named after David Smith, one of the technical directors at Media Molecule and the main designer behind the procedural mesh system for the game.


Mapping mode CYLINDER will take the standard mapping and rotate it so that it tiles vertically along the edge of the bevel.


CYLINDER_01 is identical to the CYLINDER mapping mode, but will adjust the x-axis scale of the UVs for the material to be constrained to the gmat's boundaries (which applies to every smooth vertex with the same material).


The PLANARXZ mapping mode is identical to the CYLINDER mapping mode, but any UVs vertically with the generation will be stretched to have 0.0 on the y-axis. This seems to be solely used for the cardboard bevels, since a sheet of cardboard doesn't have ridges on all sides.


PLANARXZ_01 is a mix of CYLINDER_01 and PLANARXZ, with the x-axis being scaled to the gmat's boundaries.

Include Backface

The includeBackface field is a bool is a removed option that would have enabled additional face generation for the back of the mesh, which is not normally visible in game.

Smooth with Front

The smoothWithFront field is a bool that determines if the frontmost vertex will map smoothly with the front face or not.

Relax Strength

The relaxStrength field is a float that determines the roundness of the shape; with higher values, the rounder the shape.

Subdivision Radius

The subDivRadius field is a float that determines the amount of subdivision, which will split up the generated shape into more vertexes. At 1.0 there is very little subdivision and at 0.0 there is major subdivision.

Fixed Bevel Size

The fixedBevelSize field determines the scale of the bevel; larger values will scale up the mesh generation, but also mean that floating point errors will be scaled up as well. The standard size is 10.0. If this field is left blank, it will be overwritten by the value in the Shape part of the procedural material generation.


The spongy field is a bool that disables subDivRadius when it is enabled. This allows for some unique shape generation.

Soft Physics Settings

The softPhysicsSettings field uses a Soft Physics Settings resource for the material; since softphysics for materials was removed, this does nothing.

Texture Repeats

The textureRepeats field is a float that determines the amount of texture repeats used for the gmats.