Alex Evans

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Developer MediaMolecule AlexEvans.png


Alex Evans was one of the Technical Directors on both the original LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet 2, and helped found the studio.

He worked mostly on the assembler code for the game, focusing on stuff like serialization and the scripting system.


I started off at bullfrog making tea and writing polygon routines in assembler. my first proper job was at Lionhead, making Black & White 1, then a series of unreleased games. In the background, I was making demos as ‘statix’ and visuals for warp records as ‘bluespoon’, but founding MM brought all of those interests into one place - a project I know as ‘ps3 test 1’, and which you may know as LittleBigPlanet.[1]

Alex Evans


  1. - Alex Evans