
From Imagisphere
Revision as of 01:48, 17 August 2022 by Chunky104 (talk | contribs) (Typing the display text, *then* the tooltip seems more intuitive to me. Also added the ability to hide the dashed underline if required.)
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Hover your cursor over me!

Use this to make a tooltip that displays when a user hovers their mouse cursor over a string of text. The resulting text will have a dotted underline to indicate that it contains a tooltip.


{{Tooltip|display text|hover text}}

  • Replace display text with whatever text you want to display initially.
  • Replace hover text with text that you want to be displayed when hovering the cursor over the affected string.
  • Add a nodash or nodash=y argument to hide the dashed underline if required. Not recommended in most cases.


{{Tooltip|Display text|Hover text}}
Display text

{{Tooltip|Display text with no underline|Hover text|nodash}} (Not recommended)
Display text with no underline