
From Imagisphere
Revision as of 15:52, 18 February 2021 by Chunky104 (talk | contribs) (Added the option to mark a trophy as server dependant.)
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Placeholder Pin.png
This trophy requires online functionality to unlock. Platinum trophy Trophy Title
Fix the icon for the trophy.
(Also think of some witty text to put here.)

Essentially just a stripped-down pin template, specifically meant for use on pages about PSN trophies.


|icon=      Filename for the trophy's icon. (e.g. Trophy.png)
|online=    Used to denote if a trophy requires online functionality to unlock. If the game's servers have been shut down, append with "n" to mark it as unobtainable. Otherwise, append with "y".
|rank=      Displays a coloured icon beside the trophy's name, indicating its rank. Values include "bronze", "silver", "gold" and "platinum". Note that these values are case-sensitive.
|name=      The trophy's name.
|desc=      The trophy's description.
|actualreq= Use this to clarify the trophy's actual requirements, if the given description is different or vague. Text entered here is displayed in small parenthesese.